Commented 21 years ago2004-01-03 05:00:59 UTCComment #672
OK i finally got round to running this map...with no lights its a bit hard, but im trying to find something good. Anywho theres this weird error on the side of the castle. I've included a screenshot to show what it is...anyone kno what the heck is going on here?!?! Also how come no one has replied or commented on this map?
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-03 05:08:18 UTCComment #674
ok, i am asuming there will be quite a bit more to this map, it looks good and will look amazing when u have added more detail but there seems to be little gaps in your map leading out into the void and the back of the 'castle' (as it is sofar) i am also asuming that this will be fixed and let there actually be something there. overall it looks good, and with stuff to do it will turn out a very good and interesting map i am hoping. keep at this map, it will turn out well
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-12 17:34:10 UTCComment #1857
there should be more rooms and buildings. You have alot of room outside but then the large area is good for fire fights. You should add a stable and a little bit more cover. Try adding towers too. add more detail its a lil blocky. map looks promising. i abandoned my castle map, i mite get back to it.
Commented 7 years ago2017-12-17 10:34:13 UTCComment #21167
Hey, Ant? This isn't terrible. Excluding the fact this isn't finished, my main issue is that this castle is actually an elaborate cupboard. But, really. Test your own maps.
Holes almost fixed. The problem is the VM used on the roof. Will e-mail full ideas later.
Here it is again.
That aside, looks really cool. Reminds me of the old french castle inside the walls of Fort Niagara. I've been thinking of doing a map of it myself.
But, really. Test your own maps.