Hammer can't open the .map without modification. You can fix it by opening the file in a text editor first and replacing every instance of "\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve" with just "valve". That reduces the length of the "wad" property, allowing Hammer to open the map.
So here the compile settings:
hlcsg.exe light_prefab -threads 4 -texdata 90000 -cliptype simple -estimate -chart -nowadtextures
hlbsp.exe light_prefab -threads 4 -texdata 90000 -estimate -chart -noinsidefill
hlvis.exe light_prefab -threads 4 -texdata 90000 -estimate -chart -low -full
hlrad_x64.exe light_prefab -threads 4 -texdata 90000 -estimate -chart -fade 1 -minlight 1 -smooth 90 -low -bounce 1 -blur 1.5 -extra