Advanced Half-Life FGD (for VHE 3.5)

Half-Life HL
Advanced Half-Life FGD (for VHE 3.5) by [-TR-] 3mirG
Posted 2 years ago2022-05-11 14:28:36 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Advanced Half-Life FGD (for VHE 3.5)
[-TR-] 3mirG [-TR-] 3mirG
2 years ago2022-05-11 14:28:36 UTC
2 years ago2022-05-11 14:52:28 UTC
5.00 (6)

[ Advanced Half-Life 1 Game Definition File (Aka FGD) for Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 ]

[ /!\ This FGD file was completely developed and updated by me. /!\ ]

Development is based on Chris Bokitch's Version update.
( )

[ Current Version: ]
[ First Version: ]
( Version skipped because it was previously used by someone. )

[ Supported Level Editor: Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 ]
( A special version for the J.A.C.K. Hammer may be added in the future. However, it is recommended to use VHE for now. )

[ Minimum Required Compiler: ZHLT v3.4 Final ]
[ Recommended Compiler: VHLT v34 ]
( Although Advanced VHLT [ Advanced FGD Add-on ] has not been released yet, light_environment has 2 VHLT-specific keys. )

[- Alternative Links -]
[ GameBanana: English Version - Turkish Version ]

[>>] General Descriptions:

The main purpose of the development of this FGD is to simplify Goldsrc mapping, speed up and improve the existing experience, and simplify setting entity properties with preset value list of keys.

2 years passed in the development of Advanced Half-Life FGD.
The reasons for the long development time are that there were many problems especially in the external life over time, learning the features of the Goldsrc engine and mapping topics, and also learning the whole Half-Life entities from start to end.

[>>] Advanced HL FGD Features:

There are many great features in this FGD that will make it easier to use compared to others!

[- Icon Sprites -]
  • Created -Valve Style- icon sprites for 27 different entities.
  • There are 13 different entities using animated icon sprites!
  • Source 1 (Half-Life 2) sprites were used for 21 different entities.
  • Added an icon sprite showing the light color used for light_spot and light_environment entities using studio model.
[- Helper Models -]
  • Added Helper models for 18 different entities.
  • Source 1 (Half-Life 2) models were used for 5 different entities.
  • Source 2 models were used for 4 different entities.
  • Added Helper Arrow models for 14 different entities.
[- FGD Structure -]
  • All BaseClasses have been overhauled and many entity-specific BaseClasses have been added for the sake of an organized Attribute list.
  • Almost all functional or non-functional keys and flags of all entities have been removed/added/changed based on the results of entity functions in Half-Life codes and in-game tests.
  • Added "options" describing the function of the relevant key for almost all key values.
  • Added the "/!\Hammer Entity Info/!\" key to many entities to contain additional (sometimes important) information about themselves.
  • Attribute list of all entities is now more organized and categorized.
  • Added preset values as "options" to quickly set up related entities for almost all key values.
[ /!\ It is highly recommended to look at the [ The Whole FGD Changelog ].txt file in the archive to see all the entity changes. /!\ ]

[>>] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

[ Q1 ] "Can I share this FGD file elsewhere?"
[ A1 ] For this FGD file to become popular, it is of course allowed to be redistributed elsewhere. However, provided that the FGD file has not been modified in any way ( except Mod FGD ) and that its Real Creator is specified!

[ Q2 ] "How can I create a Mod FGD for a Half-Life Mod I made?"
[ A2 ] There must be a template Mod FGD file in the archive downloaded from a reliable website. When you open it (with any notepad program) you will see all the information on how to create a Mod FGD.

[ Q3 ] "Can I change this FGD file? (Entity keyvalues, flags etc.)"
[ A3 ] Changes you make to this FGD are allowed only for your own use. Sharing of the modified "Advanced Half-Life FGD" is not allowed anywhere! It is recommended to inform the real creator about the parts that need to be changed.

[ Q4 ] "Can I use this FGD file for other Source games or Goldsrc games?"
[ A4 ] This FGD file cannot be used in the mapping for any Source game. It can be used in mapping for other Goldsrc games, but all entities, keyvalues and flags are based on Half-Life SDK codes. The properties of the same entities or keys may have changed in other Goldsrc games.

[ Q5 ] "Do I still need to use the Half-Life FGD I used before?"
[ A5 ] Using both the Advanced Half-Life FGD and the other Half-Life FGD at the same time can cause problems. When using the Advanced Half-Life FGD, no other FGDs ( except Mod FGD and Addons ) should be used at the same time.

[ Q6 ] "How often will Advanced Half-Life FGD get updates in the future?"
[ A6 ] Advanced Half-Life FGD and its add-ons will continue to be supported for a few years for updates such as typo fix, completion of deficiencies and addition of new features. The feedback received before the update will be evaluated and the update will be prepared when the necessary changes are accumulated enough.

Happy Goldsrc Mapping !


Commented 2 years ago2022-05-12 12:19:32 UTC Comment #104404
This is a lovely bit of work. A lot of effort has gone into it!

I'm using it with JACK and so far all models and sprites seem to be displaying correctly
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-12 12:26:08 UTC Comment #104405
As I mentioned in the related image, I tried it on 1.1.1064 Free Version and the result was as in the image.
I haven't had a chance to try it as I don't have the Steam Version. But if it works fine in that version, that's good news!

Thank you for your feedback.
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-16 01:35:38 UTC Comment #104409
Bayağı faydalı eklentiler var, şevke gelip aylardır açmadığım Hammer'da üç saat geçirdim.
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-16 09:28:53 UTC Comment #104410
Birilerinin uzun bir süre elini sürmemiş bir şeye tekrar gözatmasını sağlatmak gerçekten güzel bir şey. Teşekkür ederim. Umarım bilgilendirici ve kolaylık sağlamış olmuştur.
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-16 18:47:02 UTC Comment #104411
So it does work in JACK?
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-16 20:30:24 UTC Comment #104412
As I mentioned in the related image, I tried it on 1.1.1064 Free Version and the result was as in the image.
User posted image
Not tested on Steam version.
Commented 2 years ago2022-05-18 09:25:36 UTC Comment #104421
There is a 2 years of labour in this FGD, respect!
Commented 2 years ago2022-10-03 16:17:26 UTC Comment #104830
This is awesome. Although, attempting to load the FGD in the latest Steam version gives an error
Error: Line 14467 is incomplete

This doesn't occur in the Free JACK version though.

Thought this would be useful in development of the JACK version
Commented 2 years ago2022-10-03 16:20:17 UTC Comment #104831
Also, what markup language do you use in Notepad++ for this? Or did you create your own?
Commented 2 years ago2022-10-05 15:17:33 UTC Comment #104835
This is awesome. Although, attempting to load the FGD in the latest Steam version gives an error
Error: Line 14467 is incomplete
I looked at the Line given in the error. I'm guessing this is the source of the error:

iconsprite("fgd/half-life/Advanced_FGD Sprites/trigger_auto.spr") iconsprite()

As I mentioned in one of the Screenshots, J.A.C.K does not support multiple sprite(), iconsprite() or studio() parameters in one line. (at least as long as I've seen it in the Free version)

Another situation I've seen in the free version is that it only renders the last parameter.

@PointClass base(Monster, GenericMonster, CustomModelMonster, BodySkin, Monster2) studio() iconsprite("fgd/half-life/Advanced_FGD Sprites/monster_generic.spr") studio("fgd/half-life/Advanced_FGD Models/Arrows/monster_generic.mdl") = monster_generic : "Model Customizable Generic Monster" []

For example, because the last parameter in this entity is studio("fgd/half-life/Advanced_FGD Models/Arrows/monster_generic.mdl"), only the Arrow model is rendered in J.A.C.K.
Thought this would be useful in development of the JACK version
Since I've noticed this problem I think the only solution is to keep the parameter count [ number of sprite(), iconsprite() or studio() ] at 1 in the definition lines of all entities. Which means a big downgrade in FGD for the JACK version.
Also, what markup language do you use in Notepad++ for this? Or did you create your own?
I didn't use a Markup language for FGD. I used Notepad++ but used it as normal writing.
Commented 1 year ago2023-02-02 06:25:59 UTC Comment #105047
Commented 4 months ago2024-07-22 06:18:00 UTC Comment #106261
very nice but i had to install malware valve hammer editor, a horrible sequence of events that i wouldnt wish on my worst enemies... 10/10 fgd file tho

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