Complex map to play with your buddies
-complex layout
-non-linear gameplay
-realistic(similar to real life)
-20 spawn points
-lots of interaction possibilities:
--two working plats
--breakable windows
--hornet trap
--and some more
Have fun!
The hornet trap is novel to me; an uncommon puzzle in Half-Life and mods in general, let alone in multiplayer HLDM. The upstairs area is also very comfy.And the gantry crane makes another appearance
The elevator however is clunky in that you need to bump onto the button twice, once to call the elevator and once more to move up. There should've been buttons inside. It does feel like overall you couldn't figure out how to make func_train elevators with doors etc.There are a lot of ledges with trigger_push on top. this could've been simplified with clip brushes shaped like wedges, tied to func_detail and made to use info_hullshapes that are pointed at the bottom. see the following vault for example:
I kinda want to see a singleplayer version of this map. Seeing you have other maps of decent quality, you could stitch all of them into some minimod/mappack.
There're some warnings in console "SV_StartSound: not precached (0)" - probably there's an ambient_generic without a sound?