
Counter-Strike CS
ScoutzKnivez2 by davideo59
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-11 00:06:16 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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davideo59 davideo59
20 years ago2004-03-11 00:06:16 UTC
20 years ago2004-03-11 00:06:16 UTC
1.67 (3)
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Download

OK, Ive been posting here and I just realeased some map that I made one day, it actually turned out preety well in my opion... Oh and please leave the "Its a cs map and thats why it sucks" stuff to a minimum ;)


Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 00:10:31 UTC Comment #1202
yo theres already a scoutzknivez2 and 3
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 01:03:49 UTC Comment #1203
There is?!?!? well this ones better than all of those, so much better that it cancels the other owens out!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 01:45:23 UTC Comment #1205
stfu please. make an original map for christ's sake
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 07:26:07 UTC Comment #1209
I personally think it looks alright from the screenshot davideo!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 08:06:31 UTC Comment #1210
hey nice map on some notes, coulda been more varied on the textures and more lights than just one light_environment, good layout but
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 10:37:33 UTC Comment #1214
+Architecture was pretty nice.
+It's a scout map!
+Layout was good
+Booooring textures
+Booooring lightning

Overall Score: 2? (3)

Ps. Also, your comment about scoutknivez2 and 3 was really pathetic (or it was a joke? you really cannot be sure when there isn't a single smily in it)
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 12:20:42 UTC Comment #1216
yeah it was kinda a joke cause i didnt know there was a scoutz knivez 2 already lol
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 12:21:38 UTC Comment #1217
I think that the person who makes the map should be able to delet a post like the fat cow...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-14 01:57:56 UTC Comment #1233
You can, delete this and repost it. I think you should rename it. If you someone downloads this and tries joining a server with the other version they'll get a cheesy error.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-14 02:20:57 UTC Comment #1237
Well I dont wanna sound like I dont like it, but the map actually got preety boring to me about the 4th time I played it. PEOPLE PLEASE DONT DOWNLOAD THIS -- I might make another hopefully some moron will stop being a hypocrit (No names, moo, no names)...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-18 02:43:41 UTC Comment #1302
  • why not remove from vault? It would also get rid of those flames, and that's a good thing!
"will stop being a hypocrit"
  • do you know what that word means? I don't think it fits in this case. He may have been HYPERcritical, but he wasn't HYPOcritical.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 01:03:52 UTC Comment #1315
Dude why are you so pissed off? How do you like it when you make a cool map and then someone tells you to shutup when and make a totally different map? I called him a hypocrit because he made the map, what was it, de_warehouse2?, and its not like thats original. I don't know who but theres a de_warehouse and he could have made it- i dont know... and please one of the most poplular cs maps, cs_assault, is a freakin warehouse... When someone accuses me of not being original when he made a superbly non-original map I get pissed off and I have a right to be!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 10:43:16 UTC Comment #1319
You have a right to be pissed off even if there's nothing wrong... New Yorkers are a great example! I didn't see any maps with his name, but that would make him a hippo-crate!

I still think you should delete, rename, retexture, and repost it. ;)
Commented 9 years ago2015-03-09 00:39:40 UTC Comment #14345
It's shit.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-09 06:05:56 UTC Comment #21242
Completed in the sense that he's not working on it anymore, and thus a rating of one star is justified.

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