I've updated the map making it much more difficult to get to the Gun Room. I've made it more difficult becuase I've noticed that many people were whoring the weapons like mad! Everything is fine now! ENJOY!!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-19 20:27:13 UTCComment #1328
I am going to try and write a quite proper review:
When I first saw this map(the screenie on the vault), I thought "NEWB" cause of the texturing. When I tested it, I saw that the brushwork was quite good(better than most trash we get) and that 'playability' was not-that-bad aswell. Remember I did not test this with another player, Ill try it with jaardsi laterz.
The main problems are 1,Texturing and 2,Lighting. Try giving more life to the walls, not just the same old repeating textures... Maybe remove the walls completely and put a fence with SKY behind and over them? Also, the wooden planks are alittle over-used aswell as that Crete texture... You need to work with the aligning(try the 'Fit' button ). The lighting is pretty much consistant of about 10-20 point-lights, which gives a pretty crappy result. Avoid using light entities as much as possible, use the small and hand texlights! Tutorial: http://www.vlatitude.com/tutorials.php?tutID=5.
And dude, remove the armoury Far too much for a knifing map.
Commented 16 years ago2008-12-29 06:04:04 UTCComment #15453
So how does a poorly-textured, fullbright-looking map get featured in the "top maps"? Might it have to with the 47 spam ratings? Wild guess on my behalf...
When I first saw this map(the screenie on the vault), I thought "NEWB" cause of the texturing.
When I tested it, I saw that the brushwork was quite good(better than most trash we get) and that 'playability' was not-that-bad aswell. Remember I did not test this with another player, Ill try it with jaardsi laterz.
The main problems are 1,Texturing and 2,Lighting.
Try giving more life to the walls, not just the same old repeating textures... Maybe remove the walls completely and put a fence with SKY behind and over them? Also, the wooden planks are alittle over-used aswell as that Crete texture...
You need to work with the aligning(try the 'Fit' button
The lighting is pretty much consistant of about 10-20 point-lights, which gives a pretty crappy result.
Avoid using light entities as much as possible, use the small and hand texlights! Tutorial: http://www.vlatitude.com/tutorials.php?tutID=5.
And dude, remove the armoury
Overall score?... Dunno
OMG not another cs map! We should make a seprate cs vault for this! (Dont take it personally im just pokin fun)
Any more comments to help me out in the future?