
38_9815 years ago2008-12-30 22:47:53 UTC 3 comments
New Year is coming up!

Come New Years eve, my aunts friends and long lost uncle (who is a chronic alcoholic, meaning we gotta hide all the booze). 5 minutes on the phone and he's already making rather bizarre claims (here's one clue on one of his claims. He was indirectly responsible for 'making men's assholes bigger' as he put it).

Oh my.
Striker15 years ago2008-12-29 11:30:49 UTC 13 comments
Hey I just bought a new audio system ! Yay , it's so cool ! Good power for cheap !
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It is 5.1, surround, has 150 w(subwoofer 75 W and the speakers 15 W each).

Now I'll have some good music for new year !

I'm so happy .... I feel good ...wouwouwouwow ....

[EDIT] Be prepared to feel the extreme fear. This game is officialy the best game of 2008 ( at least in the horror category) . I;ll download a demo and test it. from what reviews I read, it;s excelent.
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Livewire15 years ago2008-12-29 10:28:33 UTC 3 comments
Christmas is down, New Year's now.

I got a macbook (for college) Windows <3
Studio speakers
Synth keyboard
Logic Pro 8

So I can finally get an edge on my class in college, also lets me record my drums now. Sweet! I don't have anything planned for New Years yet, not sure if I have the confidence to leave me room after what happened yesterday.

Women are animals.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-12-28 21:18:42 UTC 2 comments
You don't often see a real snowman sitting in front of yard during a hot sunny day, do you?

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I was biking and accidentally came across my group of friends playing around with snow they brought over from Big Bear.
Prototstar15 years ago2008-12-28 04:44:23 UTC 0 comments
Sorry I didn't wish you all Merry Christmas on the 24th. :( Hope you all had a nice celebration though.

My dad is still giving me shit, constantly giving me hell and telling me to 'be better than everyone out there' which I alway think, is an impossible goal for anyone...

Winter break is pretty boring most of the time, my family doesn't celebrate any holiday since it seem unnecessary. There aren't much for me to do beside sleep, eat, watch TV or go on PC. However I thought that I should change that habit this year and decided to be much more active. I would bike around my entire town for an hour or try to ride to another nearby town.

Breakdancing is pretty cool. I picked up on it just about almost a week ago. Been practicing on it from half an hour up to four hours with few minutes brake. It's pretty fun. I was able to finally able to drop and do baby freeze in an instant and flexes my legs around. Still trying to work on handglide, Cwalk, 3 steps, and 6 steps.

Won't be long until school open again around mid-January. Hopefully I'll be in good shape by then. :)

Good luck with the New Year Eve, fellows!
Tetsu015 years ago2008-12-27 18:23:39 UTC 2 comments
Just finished updating my new computer!
My god this thing is a beast compared to what i had previously.
First test ran portal at full settings with 130fps

Now i can start mapping for source more seriously.
Strider15 years ago2008-12-27 03:02:58 UTC 13 comments
ctf_volcano update!

I had totally given up on this project recently.. but somehow I got back into it.
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That exterior shot is the most WIP of them all. It's currently missing a skybox, the grass is too bright, and going through some props, but that's mostly all fixed now.

I've had to make a few changes to the layout in order to finish it (it probably would've stayed dead if I had to build as much as originally planned), so outdoors is going to be a little more compressed than I would've liked. But, it should work okay considering the size of the volcano interior.

More updates later.
Notewell15 years ago2008-12-25 10:06:04 UTC 8 comments
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Enjoyable Kwanza, and peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Exept when they're infected with a mutated rabies virus, controlled by a parasitic alien, or are a brain-washed cyborg.
srry15 years ago2008-12-25 05:22:10 UTC 4 comments
Merry Christmas!

That is all.

Edit: I got a bunch of tools.
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2008-12-24 21:49:28 UTC 3 comments
Merry Christmas all! :D Oh what I got for Christmas was a 'The Greatest Hits of Rick Astley'. The minute I opened it, I "lol'd" x]
Livewire15 years ago2008-12-24 19:25:02 UTC 4 comments
Another Christmas eh? Damn it all goes way too fast!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Oh... And to make this somewhat game-related I spent most of today with Huntey and Habboi beating Dead Air and No Mercy on Expert, 2 down, 2 to go. I guess you could say it was a Christmas Eve L4D game.

Have a good one folks. :)
38_9815 years ago2008-12-24 18:25:12 UTC 2 comments
What a sihtty run up to Christmas.

Ok, so in an attempt to not spend Christmas with just the two of us, my aunt wanted to join up with her friend and his family for Christmas, something I had no complaints about. The more the merrier right?

So, with record snowfalls here in the Vancouver district, we attempted to get out of the drive, onto the puny little side-street clogged with snow. Despite furious amounts of shovelling, pushing and help from one of our neighbours, the car managed to get snowed in RIGHT OUTSIDE OF THE DRIVE.

Fortunately, this story does have a somewhat good ending. Our landlord, who also had plans, couldn't get out for the same reason. So we're spending Christmas together, and my aunts friend will be driving down to meet us instead (eventually).

The moral of the story? Don't have half-cooked Pancakes for Breakfast, they give you the worst gas ever. I mean, seriously I couldn't stop farting.

Habboi15 years ago2008-12-23 22:55:25 UTC 3 comments
It's late and I'm tired and I realised I may not be online on Christmas day ala I am going to see the family (yay >_>) and so on.

So Merry Christmas, hope you have a good day and pop some zombies (sorry 'infected'.)

Oh and you may have seen Hunters YT video by now...Pretty sexy I might say :) Give him some love so he can finish it.

Lastly if you don't know I've been uploading L4D videos for my YT audience. Here are the 4 uploaded so far. There'd be more but each vid took 5 hours to upload :(

Merry Christmas for tommorow.
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2008-12-23 22:32:18 UTC 2 comments
Bad news, due to a recent move and ill health i have not been able to finish SR3 this year. However, i will whip up a quick fun mini-game and release on boxing day! (hopefully if i can get on the net)