
Luke15 years ago2008-11-01 19:42:21 UTC 13 comments
Finally finished Far Cry 2 today. In total, I think it was 24 hours of gameplay.

This doesn't count for the possibilities of all the side missions I didn't do. I did, however, did all but one buddy mission, and did all of the weapon missions.

Like any good review, here are some SPOILERS:

Some aspects of the game were kinda cool, but seemed like they were there just to get in the way, making them negatives for me, and here's that list:

1. Malaria. They never explained WHY you have malaria, and how it impacts the story at all. It was juts put there to get in the way.

2. Gun jamming and weapon malfunctions. I love the idea as it's never been done before, as least as far as I know. The huge problem is that it occurs way to quickly. Supposedly, your weapon gets dirty, and apparently rusty, overtime, therefore can jam or stop working in some other insane way. Apparently no matter how often you DON'T have your weapon out, you still drag it through mud and dirt, making it jam in a short period of non-use. It was just silly that it jammed so often for no reason.

3. Check points / generally being shot at wherever you go. I REALLY wish they focused on villagers more in this game, and not that everywhere you go there's someone who wants to kill you. I don't think everyone should be a hostile, because then it's just a clusterfuck of guys wherever you go. If they had more villages, with villagers, then the story would even gain more depth, and the game would be more enjoyable. I mean, c'mon, supposedly your out to rescue the civilians of this African country, but you never see the people.

4. The shear size. All's I have to say is thank God for the buses.

Forgot to mention. AI was fucking horrible. It's the worst I've seen in a game in awhile. If it was the AI of Crysis, or any other game for that matter, it'd make the game TONS better.

Voice acting was also horrific. Absolutely no emotion.

The story was kinda confusing, in my opinion, too. It was sorta hard to keep up with who was who, and who wanted what.

It was good, nonetheless, but I hate when stories contradict themselves. For instance, in Far Cry 2, you go to Africa to kill "The Jackal". In the end, however, you end up siding with the guy and working with him. I wish there was an option to still kill him, which is kinda weird because every other mission gave you an option to do something else. This shouldn't have been different.

I need some clarifications, and it's sort of a critique, too, if anyone knows the answer. Why did you end up killing every leader in the two factions? I never understood why you choose to help one side, then go and contradict yourself.

Again, that'd be a nice spot to put a decision you can make. Either side with one faction or with the other. Decision making can be nice.

All in all, I was quite pleased. Sure, there was plenty of repetitive missions, mostly the side missions, but as long as you approached each one differently it'd be fun.

tl;dr Check out Far Cry 2. If anything, you'll get ~25 hours of play out of it, if not more. Could be a lot better
Taylor15 years ago2008-11-01 07:10:01 UTC 12 comments
Hurray, I'm 21 today. And will spend my whole day learning, no booze in sight.:(

Actually, I'll probably catch up on that tomorrow, but still don't wanna learn that bullshit I'm supposed to :/
38_9815 years ago2008-10-31 19:48:28 UTC 7 comments
Oh man, Today was a good day at College. Everyone dressed up for Halloween, with some people impersonating famous figures, random dressups, historical costumes, and, in the case of one teacher, a pokemon (he had alot of balls to pull that one off).

My favorite by far was one of those hobo signs someone had around their neck, and it said:

"Family kidnapped by ninjas, need $4 for karate lessons"

Best. Sign. EVAR!

Also, does anyone have Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance? I want to try to play a multiplayer game with someone who doesn't own me in 5 minutes.

Finally, happy Halloween!
saw183315 years ago2008-10-30 10:58:22 UTC 8 comments
Not sure many people are interested, but yesterday evening I finally picked up a copy of Guitar Hero World Tour.
What's amazing is not that i spent $200 buying it, but that no store in the nearest 3 towns had a copy, except the GameStop, which had but 1 copy left.

Otherwise, the gameplay is completely revamped and very unique compared to any of the Rockband and Guitar Hero games I've played in the past. I must also say beating on rubber drums while watching a TV screen proves to be enjoyable...
Livewire15 years ago2008-10-29 08:13:07 UTC 18 comments
Halloween is almost upon us(!)

I'll probably shove on a mask and go hang out with some friends, which will probably result in us hiding somewhere and scaring kids. As you can see we're very mature, What about you guys?

Also on the note of Halloween, if any of you have seen the programme Britains Most Haunted, they're currently doing live coverage of an abandoned mental hospital about 5 mins down the road from me from 8pm till midnight every night up until Halloween. I've been to the hospital myself and it's not the nicest place ever. o_o

Even if you don't believe in it, which I don't, I'd still reccommend it since it's funny to watch, and they're going to burn down a church on Friday.

It's also nice to know that my area is called 'Village Of The Damned' I mean, I know we're Welsh, but that's just taking it too far. :D
NineTnine15 years ago2008-10-29 03:13:46 UTC 2 comments
(basically an update from my last journal. basically.)

So, were getting our piraty pirate swords soon (for the musical), ive seen a couple already, and they are metal. Hm. too bad for the police chorus who have plastic battons... Hm.
well, i still am slighty worried because i have to jump through a few of these swords, and i dont want to know what could happen if it goes wrong...
Habboi15 years ago2008-10-28 16:44:09 UTC 7 comments
Zimbabwe Money Troubles...

Hah I just came across this on a forum and I figured it was worth sharing. Christ imagine carrying that amount of cash around to go shopping.

What a waste of paper :o
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(This amount is worth ?50 roughly...)

In other news...

Only 3 days till Fallout 3 comes out, the first of four games I am waiting for. Americans already have it and have shared their views, surprisingly a lot are moaning that it sucks and the animations are clunky.

Well I don't know about you readers but I don't play a game to OOGLE at animations, I play games for the story, for the atmosphere and for the fun. And I have no doubt Fallout 3 will meet these standards.

Yes the fighting animations look a bit clunky but each game has a charm and I think the good points outweigh the bad.

I would have Little Big Planet by now but as per usual my silly country suffers because of a certain group of people. I'm not going to walk down that road, seeing as I walk in their terrirtory 3 days a week.

Also my mother warned me not to wear a Remembrance Day poppy when I go to East London Uni...Well I say to hell with that, I won't cower to the extremists who come here, to the UK and live a good life thanks to us.

What truly pissed me off was I read they were targeting people wearing the poppies because they don't want us to support soldiers even from that time period...I flew into a RAGE because if it wasn't for our men there wouldn't be a country for them to say all this bullshit.

Well I haven't said who I am talking about but by now I think you can tell...We bend over for them and they give nothing back...

That's enough ranting...I got an essay to write!

(Source of content: "" - Date Accessed - 28 October 08)

Copied from Blog
Luke15 years ago2008-10-28 15:01:59 UTC 14 comments
Hey kids, stop with the "This is your (#)th login" journal posts.

Skals15 years ago2008-10-28 13:19:51 UTC 2 comments
Welcome back!
This is your 3000th login. uber leet you are!
(note: the flashy message is a lie)
LCP15 years ago2008-10-26 20:45:01 UTC 2 comments
700th login today, yay no comment >.<

i got my pc fixed and now nobody can get me off it, im trying to make up 2 months of not using it
HLGenius15 years ago2008-10-24 12:24:36 UTC 7 comments
Yeah!! My 1000th login!
Edit: My 1001th login!

Going back to dm_combo (my latest released map) i am applying a major improvement on the architecture, texturing and the r_speeds. Good tips skals and MuzzleFlash. This time my map has a combination of slow and fest paced deathmatch. On the insides are slow paced; and the outside exposed parts fast paced.

I will be posting my WIP in the WIP thread...soon hopefully
saw183315 years ago2008-10-23 19:17:26 UTC 5 comments
A lovely little list of puns I found. Thought they'd be make for a nice little change. Some of them aren't too bad even.

1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumfrence. He acquired his size from too much pi.

2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

3. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still.

4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.

5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.

6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here, I'll go on a-head.'

14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'

16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.'

17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

19. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium, at large.

20. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

23. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.

24. Don't join dangerous cults, practice safe sects!
satchmo15 years ago2008-10-23 13:57:38 UTC 17 comments
Skals15 years ago2008-10-23 13:01:16 UTC 12 comments
i'm finished with my compo26 entry... (nearly finished) i just need to upload everything zip everything check for bugs and its done... probably by tomorrow. here are some new screenies:

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Archie15 years ago2008-10-21 22:53:40 UTC 12 comments
The new schedual is tough, but fair.
Just PM me or Daubster if you want to try out your map on one of our servers.

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