
Luke16 years ago2008-08-02 00:18:01 UTC 20 comments
I just watched Michael Moore's "Sicko", and I'm kinda pissed off.

If in the next 5 - 8 years the U.S. doesn't get nationalized health care or a national free college education system, I'm really thinking about moving to the UK.

I mean, we're 60 years behind Great Britain, France, and Canada, and I just don't see how hard it is to get on their level.

I knew we were this far behind, but just seeing this reminder made me think about how bad it was.

Somehow I knew I was born in the wrong country. Too many fucktards here, and it's starting to annoy the fuck out of me.

This is a good development for me, though, because it's just another reason for me to move to the UK. I wanted to do it, anyhow.
srry16 years ago2008-08-01 13:29:55 UTC 4 comments
Woo, moving day. Posting this several minutes before I unhook my computer for a couple days.
Taylor16 years ago2008-08-01 11:33:44 UTC 12 comments
This day sucks. Hard.
Spike16 years ago2008-07-30 16:51:04 UTC 4 comments
I'm reciving my pay tomorrow, my first pay ever :P And I'm thinking what things I'm going to buy with it. Heavy PC upgrade, sunglasses, CSS + Gmod, Crysis, and... that's all atm. I'm only going to spend this first pay, don't think I'm going to do it each month.

It's well payed job, I've worked half of July and I'm going to earn 900 ?, so yeah, I'm a lucky bastard. The contract ends on 19 October, I wish I can earn enough money to go study to Sweden =D
Prototstar16 years ago2008-07-29 05:37:59 UTC 4 comments
I can't stress how much I enjoys listening to classic rock music.


I don't know what to say.


I'm afraid I have wasted enough of your time...

oh! Wait!

Look down further.

You're about to see something amazing...

Ah! A mighty doodle I made...
User posted image
Wait, I got more.

Scroll down a be deeper.

And deeper.

And deeper..



That's right, faster...

Oh wait, you're getting there!

Oh no! Here it cum!
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An epic doodle me and my friend made while in a public chatroom. We freaked everyone out. I feel proud. It's a picture of a box with monster and tentacles coming out. Shit eating baby with half of his head cut clean off being stabbed by someone and that weird pink creature is running away.

To make up for your wasted time, here are WIP of my map I'm currently working on. It's 80% done. :) I hope you guys know where this came from.

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Anyway, one last thing:

Today I hate Steam. Can't stress it enough.
Strider16 years ago2008-07-29 01:00:03 UTC 3 comments
Indy IV spoilers!
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Much better title.
Tuna16 years ago2008-07-28 20:58:38 UTC 22 comments
Tuna is confused

how he got here

he does not know.

I have lived all my life under the sea yet I appear here in the dark, alone and gasping for air

blue without air my lungs collapse slowly

before I am put back in the sea by some godly hand

and a booming voice

it says

"Hunter is a fat cunt"

What this means I know not, I believe it to be a sign, suddenly I feel a burning desire to kill urby and make love to rimrook.

This is fuelled by skype, which as a lowly fish I have no comprehension of.

Also Madcow is shit.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-07-27 23:43:38 UTC 9 comments
Strider inspired me to dig through some of my old stuff and I found all the old cartoons I did in Highschool.

Saribous16 years ago2008-07-27 20:43:43 UTC 8 comments
My birthday today, now I'm 21. Damn I'm old :P

Oh well, grats to me I guess.
The Mad Carrot16 years ago2008-07-27 18:03:01 UTC 11 comments
"Turned " & ChrW(50) & ChrW(53) & " as of 0:00!"
Strider16 years ago2008-07-26 12:32:53 UTC 8 comments
I've been going through years worth of old files to see what I should keep and what I should ditch and I came across this totally rad old GameMaker game I made in highschool. Thought it'd be good for a laugh so i've uploaded it for you all to laugh at enjoy. It's not as crap as it sounds, I swear! ;o


Edit: R is restart. Nowhere during the course of it's development did I think to include instructions. ;/
Rimrook16 years ago2008-07-25 15:15:52 UTC 17 comments
Ask not what you mean to the universe, ask what the universe means to you.
Livewire16 years ago2008-07-24 14:34:49 UTC 5 comments
Well I'm back from Scotland, that place is nucking futs! Glasgow was very intimidating since I've never really been to a city and I'm from a very small town in some hills, I don't know how you can walk around so many people and not feel threatened by them... Probably just me.

But anyway, It was really fun, some parts were rather strange but still funny, like a 20 year old woman in a dress with no shoes stumbling out of a phone both and asking us if we wanted to go drinking, so we did, and went camping aswell... What.

But I'm home now, and recovering from my hangover, next year? Sweden!
satchmo16 years ago2008-07-24 00:22:12 UTC 6 comments
I'll be leaving on a week-long vacation tomorrow. My sister-in-law is getting married up in San Francisco.

It should be an interesting trip.
LCP16 years ago2008-07-21 22:23:13 UTC 5 comments
In the steam forums, i got a warning for laughing, D: that's something unheard of

The FPS problem:

Well For the first time in tf2 i actually checked what fps i get and i found out i get 25 fps max D: . SO i post in the steam forums and they have yet to tell me anything useful. So i thought i would type it here and check if any of the wonderful source engine wizards here can help.