
satchmo17 years ago2007-08-18 17:16:31 UTC 0 comments
This is what my baby does most of the day (when he's not breastfeeding).
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-08-18 13:11:35 UTC 0 comments
In case you didnt notice, i havent logged in for a week, no im not done with TWHL :biggrin: i was on a weeklong vacation to rice lake canada...and it sucked balls, but now im back :cool:
Tetsu017 years ago2007-08-18 07:02:22 UTC 0 comments
Going to new hampshire

dedicating a HLDM server while im away

hopefully my computer doesnt update or surge, but here's to you guys

got a few maps up there such as alpestrine from rimrook, cliff, from me, and rpg arena from muzz

enjoy, and here's the ip:

if that doesnt work, search for TWHL or Tetsu0
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-08-17 03:06:40 UTC 0 comments
Starting to improve my mapping skills... That's all I have to say. :quizzical: Actually, I'm attempting to make Federation Square (in Melbourne if you don't know where that is!) which is very hard for me since I had/have major assignments and stuff like that to do. I might post up screen shots of what I've done but it's just a waste of space if I do it right now! ~Josh 9:06pm :aghast:
Taylor17 years ago2007-08-17 00:49:41 UTC 0 comments
Hello Masta Killa! This is your 666th login. Diabolical.
Strider17 years ago2007-08-16 23:25:13 UTC 0 comments
Rosaaannaaa, yeeeaah!
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-08-16 01:05:39 UTC 0 comments
I have been up to... uh idk, well anyways, I have been playing HL2 more often then CSS now. Thats good news cause now im mapping for a mod that will be useing HL2, its called DayDream. DayDream will be basicly like a dream, where anything can happen at anytime, such as the game will have Horror, Funny things, and Action. The first map has already gone to hell with an error and is in the map vault.

Besides that I now can basicly... surf on wood like most glitch finders have found.
P1:My first sucsessful time flying on a board.
P2:Haveing a blast getting the hang of it.
P3:Is alex still talking about that oldschool gravity gun?
P4:Those Buggys are so outdated, the flying wood board is so newschool.
User posted image
5:06Am ??F Pogo Stick - System Of A Down
AJ17 years ago2007-08-16 00:12:32 UTC 0 comments
Cigars are evil, you won't miss 'em, we'll find ways to simulate that smell, what a sorry fella, rolled up and smoked like a panatella, here on level one of Robot Hell!

From Robot Hell,'s on Futurama
Habboi17 years ago2007-08-15 15:09:14 UTC 0 comments
Well it's A Level Results tommorow for us Brits. I'm not TOO concerned because the least I have to get is 2 D's and an E which isn't really much to get. So I feel confident.


Well I got my results and i got into my choice of Uni :) Games Design here I come :D
Rimrook17 years ago2007-08-15 08:52:54 UTC 0 comments
The dying HL factor can be stopped if something orgasmically cool can be done to it. Take gravity shifting for example. If that can be coded for Goldsource thus it will have an edge over Source, even though source has Portals and all that.

Its uses would be a new Deathmatch Mod, with new weapons and maps, as well as the gravity shifting to run on any surface. We have modellers and coders, and especially mappers, it can happen... but I don't think TWHL has enough motivated talent to accomplish a monsterous project like that. Maybe in the near future?

All it takes is some clever thinking...

Besides that, I'm motivated on 6D a little, and Node6 is being pushed aside. Ontop of everything else there are Midterms this week. So I have to study for some tests and work on some class projects.

EDIT: A chat with a coder shed me some light on this possibility... seems possible, but it would take a very experienced person a very long time to accomplish it. Its not happening in other words. I still think it would be cool.
38_9817 years ago2007-08-13 05:35:06 UTC 0 comments
Here I am in Canada again. I'll spare you the details but I'v got the choice of either living with my uncle in the UK or with my aunt in Canada. After a three week stay I'll have to decide where I live.

I'd say more, but I'm jet lagged and rather tired still.
scrama17 years ago2007-08-12 19:53:26 UTC 0 comments
Last friday I have updated my DM-TheBadPlace. And nobody have comment it. What I've done wrong?
NineTnine17 years ago2007-08-12 15:59:29 UTC 0 comments
Im trying to make a huey (moddify one, really). i think it looks better with 2 .50s on the side, and a more detaled interior

We got a new deepfryer the other day, my dad was really excited, i have never seen someone so excited before, it replaced the older DF from 1965. :
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-08-12 11:50:56 UTC 0 comments
Still CSS has taken over me cause of some maps i've never played but have now, but I have a little more info in whats going on. The first picture (topleft) is showing the crossbow for FF is now the ultimate weapon as it hold 50 bows, but im gonna increase it to 100. It fires like a machine gun and does about 200dmg per hit, so its probably your best friend. 357 is an inacurete weapon as it shoots faster but is better shot slow rather then fast which descreases accurace.
The M4 (mp5) is now deffinetly a machine gun, holds 100 bullets, and fires super fast wasteing the clip in under 3 seconds! Each weapon holds alot more ammo so the player wont get stressed with watching ammo supply, so that will not be a worry. Hornet gun also has an adjustment, it holds around 700 hornets, and fires the 1st dairy 2x's faster, just like the AlienGrunts.
In work is the AlienSlaves Beam, its teal, but when they charge up, its still green, no biggy though. The houndeyes SonicBoom is now Pink when not in a squad, and Red when in a squad. The HUD as you might notice is Pink, this is going to be the main color of FF, not being gay or anything, I just thought every mod should have a differnt sort of color to it, such as Funny Force = Pink HUD, Independent Force = Red HUD, Repulsion Horror = Yellow HUD, and Enigma = Teal HUD.
About the others 3 pictures of the Gargantua, this is just a room I started working on and had lots of influence on. Origanly I was going to add prefabs to this room, but I was forced away with so many maps already useing them and I knew it needed somthing else. This room will be turned into somting, idk what but it will be somthing.
User posted image
3:50Pm 67F Toto - Isolation