
Habboi17 years ago2007-07-31 03:55:29 UTC 0 comments
Being someone who goes to a lot of Half Life related forums I noticed HL2files needed staff and after a few months I realised they were still looking so I applied as 'Comment Moderator' and they accepted me.

So watch out, those who enter my domain :D
Strider17 years ago2007-07-30 23:30:13 UTC 0 comments
It would seem that TWHL members DO repeat themselves.
srry17 years ago2007-07-30 22:14:41 UTC 0 comments
Go see The Simpsons Movie.

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kc8kjp17 years ago2007-07-30 18:56:54 UTC 0 comments
wow, i have been busy today! I started off improving my transit system map for my first level, started off okay, then exploded, it looks great right now and ill upload a pic when its near done but its already looking like a nice, large open enviorment with alot of people in it. Also today i decided to take another look at the modeling tutorial for hl1, the second time around i actually understood it! I tried a few things that didnt work like giving a barney a 357, but with the Spirit hl1 engine, and being able to model, i will be able to do 2 things in silent running that ive always wanted to do, be able to use the low definition MP5, because it looks a little cooler to me :) and with some of spirits special functions, i will be able to also include the Black Ops in Silent running, but heres some of the modeling ive done today, heres a pick of a Black Op with a shotgun :D
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and heres a pick of the high def human grunt with the low def mp5, i also changed most of the heads on this human grunt to OPFOR heads :)
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Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-07-30 13:43:47 UTC 0 comments
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I've been working on FF maps again, but im also redoing a little of the first few levels. Since in FF you will need the Opposing Force wad, I added a NULL texture to it so that compile time and Rspeeds will go down in maps. I finished level 10 but still need to do level 9, but I have also started level 11, and for an odd reason, compile time is very short in every level now.

Heres a picture of level 10 for FF.
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3:45AM 74F Bohemain Rhapsody - Queen
Slowpoke17 years ago2007-07-30 13:36:52 UTC 0 comments
Hey guys, did you hear that there was a shooting at Virginia Tech?
Scottie17 years ago2007-07-29 18:40:35 UTC 0 comments
Even though I'm young, I can't wait to start mapping.
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-07-29 11:03:33 UTC 0 comments
Lately i have realized that where silent running is going isnt anywhere near my best work, whitch is what im redoing it, so i have decided to make a new intro with a full transit system sequence, and i will make all thee levels more interesting brush and entity wise. :cool:
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-07-28 18:51:44 UTC 0 comments
Wow, I havent posted a journal in quiet a while, well, heres the updated news. FF has almost all monster noises complete, probably the best is the AlienGrunt and the Hornet Gun. The Puzzle has such a long compile time that I think ill make it 2 puzzles per level rather then 12, but the fan puzzle is finished, its choas. Independent Force (IF) has been coming back to me and I want to map for it, me and Kc8kjp will have are mods sort of simlar, his Silent Running and mine Independent Force will have simlar areas for the starting, and mine has been started out a little.

I got HL Spirit, I've noticed its much better then HL when it comes to entity and brush things. Basicly everything made sence when I first looked at them in Spirit, so this means ill be able to make one of my Unamed mods. The Unamed Mod is where you will be a AlienGrunt seeking to kill any human life form in your way, hopefully if sombody can change the DLL for this mod, I want the hornet gun to hold more ammo and fire faster to make it more seem like your an AlienGrunt.

Other then that I have been still playing CSS, but in a way I have been getting ideas from the zombie CSS version maps, its crazy at times but its great to get ideas in makeing the enemy know where the players coming from. In most mods I prefer if the enemy is ready for the player and has a set up for them, obviuosly Independent Force will have this in some missions, and with Spirit, this should be easier to achive things. For FF, im not sure wheather to use HL or Spirit, both are good, but I can do more with Spirit, so eventualy ill figure out which one to use.

Update: Batterys for FF will now be worth 3 rather then the hasle of 1, healthkits are 45 instead of them 30, and the crossbow has its damage increased, but ill increase it more since its the ultimate weapon for FF.

10:52Pm ??F When Im Gone - Rockell
Xyos21217 years ago2007-07-28 13:34:32 UTC 0 comments
Been awhile TWHL. Ive been busy with school, mapping, modeling, personal crap at home, but Im back! During which Ive learned almost everything about modeling, and source mapping. Ive got 2 years of C++ coding under my belt, and around may of 2007 myself and Exos started working on our mod, HELIX. A description of it is here:

Well, nice to be back, anyone need source mapping help, modeling help, skinning, exporting models, textures, animating, etc feel free to ask.
satchmo17 years ago2007-07-28 12:20:14 UTC 0 comments
More pictures.
Rimrook17 years ago2007-07-28 10:21:27 UTC 0 comments
What is it with people right now? There are a few good mapping projects going... PEOPLE ARE MAPPING AGAIN! TWHL IS FIXED!

Anyhow, I have a map project I've been planning out for a good month and a half now, I just started blocking it out, so hopefully I may fix some the usual problems from the past. Like overloaded polies, bad spots of texturing, blurry textures, small map... so hopefully I have a decent design and I'll post it in the unfinished when the blocks are in. I'll be working on it this weekend, don't know if i may get it done.

As for other news, I have a date with my girlfriend at the Zoo. Its part of a class project for her, i'm going along because the Zoo is cool and she wanted me to go with her. Can't argue with that! She is such an inspiration... I wanna finish 6D nowz!
MiN3R17 years ago2007-07-28 08:07:48 UTC 0 comments - The TWHL city needs YUO to click on dis links plzkthxbai
The Mad Carrot17 years ago2007-07-28 03:08:57 UTC 0 comments
Turned 24 today!

Many happy returns - Ant