What is it with people right now? There are a few good mapping projects going... PEOPLE ARE MAPPING AGAIN! TWHL IS FIXED!
Anyhow, I have a map project I've been planning out for a good month and a half now, I just started blocking it out, so hopefully I may fix some the usual problems from the past. Like overloaded polies, bad spots of texturing, blurry textures, small map... so hopefully I have a decent design and I'll post it in the unfinished when the blocks are in. I'll be working on it this weekend, don't know if i may get it done.
As for other news, I have a date with my girlfriend at the Zoo. Its part of a class project for her, i'm going along because the Zoo is cool and she wanted me to go with her. Can't argue with that! She is such an inspiration... I wanna finish 6D nowz!