
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-07-05 10:35:40 UTC 0 comments
Just got back from vacation, we went to shipshuwana, me my mom, and my dad, and we got a ton of stuff at the markets there, together we probably spent over 300 dollars, i myself got 5 airsoft guns, 2 of whitch i bought because they look like they were from HL2, in a bit my dad is gonna be taking me to best buy to get a video card that can run HDR!!! :biggrin:
Habboi17 years ago2007-07-04 08:28:44 UTC 0 comments
I feel kinda bad because I deleted some pictures that my mum took on the camera and now I can't recover them...Why? Because dumb me didn't think to use a recovery tool until a year or so later...No chance now...

She still holds that grudge against me :<

Anyway back to mapping news I haven't touched Hammer in a few days. I was reminded by some people why I loved Monster Hunter Online so I sought to hunt for these rare items which have taken some people 3 weeks just to get 5.

It took me 2 days so far to get 4 which isn't bad. I need one more for my armour and another 5 for the sword...Can I be bothered? I spent a whole day doing the same thing over and over for hours just to get 4 of the same item which has a 1% chance...


OOO look what I found in my HDD : O

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NineTnine17 years ago2007-07-03 19:50:47 UTC 0 comments
Now, my op4 mod is going great, i got the parachuit to work (kinda) also, im in the middle of making a FF mod, for FF. it looks...crazy
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-07-03 15:02:44 UTC 0 comments
Finished level 5, The Puzzle, I added some more things to it to make it more funny since origanly I only found one thing in the level to be funny, but thiers a secret I added for level 5.
Level 6 is going to be the starting of a chapter called Oddesy, this will go from levels 6-12. The first level takes place in an Opposing Force level, its the level where you would first encounter the Pitdrone. The level was changed around quiet some, and some parts where taken out because of R_Speeds, but overall you can still tell it from the real level. The picture below is showing the lighting for the first room becuase so far i've only started on room 1, but the others will also get an intresting source of lighting.
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I'll be gone for 2 days, forced to go see my grandmas, I would rather after I finish my mod so I would not have work to do. :x
MiN3R17 years ago2007-07-03 14:17:22 UTC 0 comments
03:08 <ZombieLoffe> I see.
03:09 <min3r> hai, i liked your hallway compo entry
03:10 <ZombieLoffe> yay.
03:13 <min3r> you should thank me, thats common etiquette you know
03:14 <ZombieLoffe> fuck you
03:14 <ZombieLoffe> ^_______^

Ahhh, how i love internets!
Habboi17 years ago2007-07-03 03:45:30 UTC 0 comments
%?"@#!!!*&& Damn you Virgin Mediaaaaaaaaa! At least my Broadband feels faster again.
kc8kjp17 years ago2007-07-02 17:10:36 UTC 0 comments
Tommorow I will be going on a vacation to indiana (OMG 3 HOURS AWAY!) and i wont be back till like, around 4'ish on thursday, and i uploaded and EXAMPLE MAP!, so until i get back..uh :biggrin:
flyingduck17 years ago2007-07-02 03:04:52 UTC 0 comments
New mod project that I am determined to make work!
It is for Half-Life original, with a POSSIBLE sequel depending on the sucess of this project.

Looking for modelers and coders. PM me if you're interested, and examples of work as well please.
Carpocolypse30017 years ago2007-07-01 22:45:26 UTC 0 comments
I finished level 5, The Puzzle, but I wasnt to happy about because most of those days I was bored and had no ideas, but thier is one good part in it that involves jamming a fan. I am now onto the 3 level chapter called Oddesy, goes from levels 6-9, but it starts out in a level for Opposing Force, the level after level 6 will be a very odd and funny level by Kc8kjp, but I might extend the amount of levels for the chapter Oddesy. Other then that, soon I will be working on the sounds in changing some, but i've done the AGrunt and Gargantua models, so im sort of switching from subject to subject. "it helps to have a running start" :cyclops:
AJ17 years ago2007-07-01 21:39:24 UTC 0 comments
Oh baby! Love really hurts without you! Love really hurts without you! And it's breaking my heart but what can I do?

From Love Really Hurts Without You, by Billy Ocean
satchmo17 years ago2007-07-01 20:27:15 UTC 0 comments
My wife and I celebrated our second anniversary tonight by having dinner on the Queen Mary.
Taylor17 years ago2007-07-01 11:38:47 UTC 0 comments
Damn, my AMD CPU fried. And I can't find a SocketA CPU anywhere. Just when I started my first hl2dm map :thefinger:
Habboi17 years ago2007-07-01 09:39:38 UTC 0 comments
Day 6 and I am very pleased with the results so far. My map is about 70% complete and all that is left is a few bug fixes and lots of scripting.

I have come up with another list of bugs that I will fix for those who are interested in the things I look out for:

New Room - Window Model - Top brush needs to be lowered an inch.
New Room - Lights are needed.
New Room - Make zombie get up.
New Room - Bath, sink, light and decals need fixing.
Change female model into male because Valve didn't give females the arrest animation...In fact the males have more animations :S
Somehow fix floating melon.
Yellow window needs to have 0.50 texture and I need to figure out the opaque thing used in the HL2 apartment.
Need to kill Gman after his script is finished.
Need to make the effect of scanners flying out of the Citadel.
Need to change dustbins into static.
Add more life into the outside aka birds and scanners.
Need to make bed no collide and clip.
Woman who is leaning back needs to be adjusted.
For some reason my other woman won't sit down anymore...
Trigger Breen to speak just once on the TV's.
Add NPC's walking down alley.
Adjust script where man leans out door.

A big list it seems...
Skals17 years ago2007-07-01 07:38:42 UTC 0 comments
Finaly, ive compiled my map and have the first screenshots from the game!
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do u like it? :)