
Athlete17 years ago2006-11-27 05:01:22 UTC 0 comments
I just read the journal of "Exos". Normally I'm a very calm/friendly person, :) , but this had struck my anger point.
A message to exos, if he reads this:
  • Don't insult moderators, because, unlike you, they try to keep the community up and running, and happy - all you do is cause chaos and anger.
  • About your comment about us anti-Americans, you fit that description perfectly:
"American ignorant opinionated dumbass"
  • I know you are a teen and all, and being a teen isn't easy, but please control yourself. If you cant control your hormones/peer-pressure/anger/teen-factor than don't say anything at all. Hell, I'm 16, and I don't go around having nappy-rashes.
  • FPSBanana is an utter shit site flooded with pop-ups and 11 year old CS n00bs who worship fy_iceworld. Think of it - The people who are praising your maps are the same people who praise iceworld. I would take it as an insult.
If you don't like this site, leave. You are making it sound as if you are an asset- well you aren't, your "contributions" bring nothing more than a waste of bandwidth. :|

Oh, and before I forget, another annoying journal entry:
How can some of you people still want to map for Half-Life 1?? I know It is the greatest game ever made. (That and HL2) But NO map in Half-Life 1 could meet up to today's standards. I don't care how CRAZY GOOD you are at mapping for HL1, it will not compare to if you did the same map in HL2. So why? I can understand still PLAYING it, but mapping for it? No, it is was more....logical to map for HL2. HL2's mapping is so much better.(AND EASIER!) Now I know alot of you will say "HL1 FTW!" Only because you like HL1. I can tell you now they didn't make a worse engine when they made HL2. HL2 can have higher poly models, better texture resolution, and alot more. So why seriously map for HL1!?!? PM me to discuss. :P

(NOTE: I love Half-Life 1 but I don't even play it anymore because HL2!!)
There are hundreds of reasons why people still map for HL1, but I wont explain them for I fear your VERY small and simple mind cannot handle serviceable reasons. You just supplied straight-forward reasons:

"LAWL IT KAN HAV 9999999999999999 POLIES!!!!!11111"

And last, but not least:

Making your own opinions sound like everyone has agreed on it is the worst habit one could ever have. I noticed you act as if everyone backs you up. They don't, everyone thinks you are nothing more than an immature little boy.

Saribous17 years ago2006-11-27 00:13:35 UTC 0 comments
Woot! Ant is teh shit :D
M_gargantua17 years ago2006-11-26 19:03:10 UTC 0 comments
ant we all know that ISN'T your first mod rant, its your first long one

First long one with the word 'fag' in it. :D - Ant
AJ17 years ago2006-11-25 15:45:38 UTC 0 comments
The Incredibles = Pwn

Best Pixar film I've ever seen.
Exos17 years ago2006-11-25 11:18:21 UTC 0 comments
I have just finished my new map! Go download it and check it out!

SpaG17 years ago2006-11-25 05:10:04 UTC 0 comments
Hello SpaG! This is your 2222nd login.
Daubster17 years ago2006-11-24 11:10:48 UTC 0 comments
Brand new laptop acquired today. :glad:


AMD Turion 64-bit 2,0 Ghz
1 Gb of RAM
100 Gb HDD
GeForce 7200 Go, 256 Mb
Webcam, wireless stuff, etc

CS:S, without lag? No prob. :heart: :glad:
conduct0r17 years ago2006-11-24 07:26:46 UTC 0 comments
I'm making a CS map for my friend :) And again its not public :/
Orpheus17 years ago2006-11-23 08:17:34 UTC 0 comments
While digging through my backup cd's, I found an old screenshot of a benchtest I did last year. My Radeon 9800 pro, That I built last year.
My nVidia 7800gs that I recently built after the fire.
NineTnine17 years ago2006-11-22 17:04:59 UTC 0 comments
Helping a new guy today and yesterday who wants to make a mod. well, i warned him....
zeeba-G17 years ago2006-11-22 11:16:50 UTC 0 comments
christmas in mario land
ScArEiOuS17 years ago2006-11-22 10:50:57 UTC 0 comments
Mapping black-mesa labs :cool: ... Learning architecture things :P
srry17 years ago2006-11-21 23:42:12 UTC 0 comments
I'm leaving on a vacation/trip to the Grand Canyon tomorrow, so I won't be back until Sunday. I know everybody will miss me a great deal, and possibly break into tears when they hear of my absence. :P
Gunter17 years ago2006-11-21 21:09:05 UTC 0 comments
Map is coming along well, I made a pre-alpha version (all orange with no detail) and played with bots. I then determined that the map was far too small and the layout I'm working on now is about four times as large. Judging from my experience from the first test however, the map should turn out pretty well at least from a gameplay standpoint.

Oh, and I'm finally getting into airsoft (guns came in the mail yesterday), cheers!
M_gargantua17 years ago2006-11-21 12:33:17 UTC 0 comments
Im going on a 24+ hour nonstop mapping session now that my 5/7 week vacation has started. Im going to see how much I can get done.

will post results when I come out of this comotose mapping state