
pepper18 years ago2006-03-26 03:40:08 UTC 0 comments
Interior rockzzz!! Well, not quite but its got doors now!! No, they dont close yet, geez stop whining well ya ;) .
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pepper18 years ago2006-03-24 06:09:08 UTC 0 comments
Started creating the interior of the Lynx. A painstakingly job since i made a error at the start of the project. Now, i decided to make a outline of the cockpit in 3d by cutting away parts of the mes after copying it. I wanted to extrude it from the plane, but this didnt work, thus forcing me to flip all the faces and manualy create every face. Yes, all by hand.

Havent finishd it yet, but the amount of polygons in this project is growing fast.
pepper18 years ago2006-03-22 05:07:00 UTC 0 comments
Finaly got G-max to succesful render, here is a shot from the Westland Lynx HAS-8 im working on for Flightsimulator 2004. When finishd il convert it to the Source engine for you cs:s mappers out there.
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pepper18 years ago2006-03-19 01:47:57 UTC 0 comments
My flight chair is completely finishd. Attached the X-52 HOTAS to it. Fly's excellent. Here are some sexeh pictures from my cockpit.
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pepper18 years ago2006-02-21 12:43:53 UTC 0 comments
GMT1500 Zulu - powering up the engines for the first leg in pepper's tour around the world.

GMT 1729 Zulu - first leg completed from KMSO to KAST. Only 400nm done so far.

GMT 1830 Zulu - The crew is done refeuling, anchorage here i come! Only 1200nm this second leg.

GMT 2144 Zulu - Anchorage isnt in sight yet, though she is holding steady im still worried a bit about the feul tanks, there suttering and the weight is being destributed unevenly, maby il need to shift the weights by dumping feul for the landing to balance here out.

GMT 2144 Zulu - new calculations show me that i should make it to Anchorage, tanks are still filled for 37% so i should make it just fine.
254nm to go.
pepper18 years ago2005-12-25 01:38:07 UTC 0 comments
Yesterday morning the bell rang, and there it was, my new joystick. The Saitek X52 HOTAS Flight control system. In simple words: The best joystick one can have.

Ok, so maby not The BEST, still it is in the top 3. It has a shitload of sliders, axis and buttons, the best thing is you can program that into 3 modes + 3 aditional modes, that means a awfull lot of functions on the stick :D

Live switching between NAV mode and landing mode in Flightsimulator, Arming my bombs and rockets in Sturmovik and imediatly back to dogfighting on the same buttons, yes its all possible!! I absolutely love this stick!

Here are a couple of pictures from it:
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pepper18 years ago2005-12-22 13:09:23 UTC 0 comments
For keeping up the christmas spirit i changed my avator, no, im not a shotgun wielding crazy drunk.... yet.
pepper19 years ago2005-12-07 04:59:30 UTC 0 comments
Finaly uploaded my boxcar model for Half-Life one, i completely forgot about it. So i quikly decided to update my website so people can enjoy it.

And a image for those that are to lazy to check out the website :) :
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pepper19 years ago2005-11-20 01:06:50 UTC 0 comments
For those of you that are still looking into modeling and have way to much time on there hands to a look at this guide for G-max.
pepper19 years ago2005-11-01 08:30:22 UTC 0 comments
Bought a cd yesterday, wich i rarely do. I listen mostly to the radio. Its from Eric Clapton, called Unplugged.

Pure live and acoustic music, good ol blues songs. Including some of my favorites. Though all of those songs has a deeper meaning, since that is what the bleus is all about. Singing about the good and bad things all around. The catholic church even used to call it the song of the devil. Since there where rumours that singers like johnston got there talent from the devil on a crossroad, and the fact that they sang songs about this really give's them reason to.

Me and the devil bleus
Crossroad bleus
Hellhounds on the trail

Just a couple of examples, Still there is nothing better then a bleus in the night.
pepper19 years ago2005-10-21 03:40:23 UTC 0 comments
Updated my website, still WIP, but its getting there:
pepper19 years ago2005-10-07 10:28:14 UTC 0 comments
Packed my bags today, its going to be a long ride to England tommorow, and i dont want to be faced by any surprises.
pepper19 years ago2005-10-02 14:28:47 UTC 0 comments
Started working on a cessna 172 and a ford sierra for Half-life 2, as static models and as driveble models!
pepper19 years ago2005-09-29 11:31:24 UTC 0 comments
When i was googl'ing around for a certain G-max hack i found a very pleasant surprise:

Looks like my modeling tutorial is listed on the first page!!
pepper19 years ago2005-09-24 11:50:17 UTC 0 comments
Been away for a long day, went out flying VFR with a friend, we had a great time, we took of from EHLE(Lelystad, The Netherlands, Europe) and flew to the north sea, there we turned and followd the coastline, then we headed back after doing a couple of hard turns above the crowded beach :) . Il post up a couple of photo's that i took when i wasnt flying :)