
Captain P18 years ago2006-04-01 00:29:32 UTC 0 comments
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So, what's been going on lately?

Well, I've been busy with a little article project thingie for Half-Life lately. There's a little more to do but it'll be up and running soon.
Then, I've been working on mudanchee, spicing up the brushwork and creating some new models.
And lastly, I've also been creating a small php-based tool to help me manage my time by keeping track of projects and their tasks.
D_man18 years ago2006-03-31 08:08:59 UTC 1 comment
Cs map

New great idea.
A mod thats based on a toxin testin facility

this will be my first mod.


: :| :)
mustang6718 years ago2006-03-30 19:25:06 UTC 0 comments
My new PC and DSL arrived today!!

ill be on TWHL server. FInallY :D
Rimrook18 years ago2006-03-30 15:04:14 UTC 0 comments
My New Computer is up and running, but i lost half of my programs and settings when i installed my old drive. I haven't been able to work on the demo of Turnstile at all and it's already Thursday. The good news is that i might be able to run HL2 in good respect. Please be patient, i have much work to do before it's finally ready. I didn't lose a single file of anything so the mod is still going.

BTW: my new comp's name is Akimbo. Be nice and say Hi to her later.
IMUS18 years ago2006-03-29 23:35:52 UTC 0 comments
Got some more done with DOT

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Side Garden:
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Mr. Whippy18 years ago2006-03-29 21:14:54 UTC 0 comments
Guess what?? Need map comments still! I am waiting, but my patience is running out. I wouldn't mind a rating or a comment, just get something in there so I know how I can improve!!
BrattyLord18 years ago2006-03-29 20:01:10 UTC 1 comment
Hello BrattyLord! This is your 2500th login.
Dorian2718 years ago2006-03-29 11:53:58 UTC 0 comments
Hello Dorian27! This is your 300th login. Woohoo!
Andy18 years ago2006-03-28 11:58:08 UTC 0 comments
Source Mapping can be extremely rewarding and at the same time very frustrating.
I am putting together a small DoD:Source map for a local server based on one I did for them in DoD 1.6. Problem is I can't seem to find the original RMF's anywhere (Backup early and often) so I have to start from scratch.
A few things I have found about Source mapping that encourage me are the incredible amount of information available from the Hammer4 help function and the similarity of 4 to it's predecessor. The simple stuff is explained in great detail and while there a a few more tools in Hammer4, they seem to be intuitive.
Error listings are comprehensive and covered at various sites, common bug's are explained.

At the end of the day if you are having trouble with Source mapping I suggest you RTFM. (Read the manual)
Pyroclasm18 years ago2006-03-27 15:31:13 UTC 0 comments
OK, i'm back, I hope everyone missed my company. =P Yeah right.

Anyways, i'm actually working on a mod, for real!

You can check it out here:


And here:


Enjoy, and sign the guestbook! ;)
satchmo18 years ago2006-03-27 15:14:48 UTC 0 comments
My Chinese gaming profile:

34歲的我是一個好打電玩的小兒科醫生. 自從1985年我在美國加州就學 (UCLA) 一直到醫學院畢業, 我一直熱愛電玩.

目前我已經結婚了, 但是我們還沒有小孩. 我的妻子跟我都很喜歡運動. 我還是個舉重專家.
Snpbond18 years ago2006-03-27 14:11:58 UTC 0 comments
Happy birthday to me :D
Dorian2718 years ago2006-03-27 11:55:42 UTC 0 comments
*Warning: Excessive World of Warcraft Content*
I got to level 26 on my Undead Priest, Probably 27 by tonight.
On Friday I had 3 friends over, and we connected to my 4 port router, and played World of Warcraft. I was 24 at the time, they were all 17-18, so I didn't get much XP, but it was fun none-the-less. We stayed up until 4 in the morning.. we started at around 19:00, so that is about 9 straight hours of WoW. Mainly we did some quests that we didn't know about without each other's help, and we ran Wailing Caverns, and got some phat loots. I have around 26 Gold now. If you play on Durotan, feel free to give me (Dreadmuffin) some cash..
I woke up at about 10:00 the next day and played for a few hours.
I got to drive an '06 Ford Mustang also. I felt the 350 Horse Power as I went 0-60 MPH (96 KmH) in 4 seconds =D
Anyway.. I figure I should advertise the IRC channel, because we need more regs, so stop by #twhl on gamesurge, and play with us.
franky18 years ago2006-03-27 05:32:20 UTC 0 comments
yes, it has been a while, but me and blueblade now have half life 2, expect maps, and some more maps. Something cool is coming. :badass:
pepper18 years ago2006-03-27 04:33:30 UTC 0 comments
Finaly got around learning CSS. Quite simple when you finaly understand it :) .

Almost finishd with creating a webpage for my G-max projects. More or les a portofolio for me to put my work on.