
Snpbond18 years ago2006-03-26 12:27:19 UTC 0 comments my new map out..put quite a bit of detail into with with regards to lighting and atmosphere. Its intense but fun. Oh yeah, its for HL2 and you can check it out here.

Dred_furst18 years ago2006-03-26 11:08:12 UTC 0 comments
After christmas, Lots of random stuff happening, New PC again! this time PCI-E w 6800GT and 1.5gb ram. this system now OWNS the crap out of everything XD

new Machinae supremacy album in a few days! woohoo!
the Arcan18 years ago2006-03-26 10:34:39 UTC 0 comments
My first journal entry. My map for HL2Dm is going great. new ideas keep coming to mind and when they dont my friend gives me some. The map is similar to a map we made for timesplitters 2 :D
I'm only afraid that the map file might become to big :( im already at 11megs. :

When im done with this map ima try to map my school for source.

Thinking of joining a Source clan aswell.

Yay Oblivion is getting shipped today :)
pepper18 years ago2006-03-26 03:40:08 UTC 0 comments
Interior rockzzz!! Well, not quite but its got doors now!! No, they dont close yet, geez stop whining well ya ;) .
User posted image
D_man18 years ago2006-03-26 00:10:11 UTC 0 comments
Hello D_man! This is your 500th login. Awesome.
doodle18 years ago2006-03-25 17:53:24 UTC 0 comments
Wewt sustenance released! Haven't posted in this in ages woot! :nuts:
alexb91118 years ago2006-03-25 07:37:59 UTC 0 comments
Yeah... PS3 for November Launch Worldwide!!! :biggrin:
Tetsu018 years ago2006-03-24 22:24:57 UTC 0 comments
Halo 2 Lan parties rock the house.
Prit's house to be exact.
Do the math here.
300ft+ Ethernet cable ~ $400
2 4-way Routers ~ $120
4 X-Box's ~ $550
4 Halo 2 cd's ~ $200
16 controllers ~ $380
16 guys playing ~ Free
4 girls makin grilled cheese sangwiches ~ $30
2 of the girls = mad hot ~ Always good
having both of them on your team and still having fun losing ~

Teams were stacked though.. as always. NP ( :thefinger: the red team ) Blue team pwns
Taylor18 years ago2006-03-24 15:17:07 UTC 1 comment
Hello Masta Killa! This is your 100th login. Nice! :D
Rimrook18 years ago2006-03-24 12:57:47 UTC 1 comment
I think i just developed a slight phobia of starting things on TWHL if all i'm going to get is Blammage. I know i've had issues in the past but that was a long while ago and some people are still on my case about it. I feel that i've been stripped of some of the Rights i have as a regular member.

Who am i kidding, no one reads this shit anyway.
pepper18 years ago2006-03-24 06:09:08 UTC 0 comments
Started creating the interior of the Lynx. A painstakingly job since i made a error at the start of the project. Now, i decided to make a outline of the cockpit in 3d by cutting away parts of the mes after copying it. I wanted to extrude it from the plane, but this didnt work, thus forcing me to flip all the faces and manualy create every face. Yes, all by hand.

Havent finishd it yet, but the amount of polygons in this project is growing fast.
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-03-24 03:27:14 UTC 0 comments
look out for my new tutorial soon!
its a part 1 of 3.
part 3 will be awsome.
Mr. Whippy18 years ago2006-03-24 02:09:53 UTC 0 comments
I am still awaiting comments on my Counter-Strike: Source map while I'm constructing a Half-Life 2 map. It is my first attempt at making a single player map and hopefully I can swallow all the basics down. I could use some feedback on my CS map so I can input that into my HL2 map.
satchmo18 years ago2006-03-23 18:46:06 UTC 0 comments
A second strain of the flu virus is exploding in the U.S. I've been slaving away in the hospital this week.

I'm working through another 12-hour shift right now. Gotta go...
Habboi18 years ago2006-03-23 14:30:04 UTC 0 comments
In my previous journal I mentioned I was updating my website well I am one page from finishing it but it doesn't make that much difference as I am changing it to 'Tutorials' instead of credits.

So go take a look if you will:


Nothing special but a lot better than my last site...I think you'll agree.

Dedication Report: Hm to be honest I hadn't touched the file in weeks because I was introduced to an anime called: Bleach...

Very addictive which is why I stopped working on it..Well that changed this afternoon as I started work on Elon's room. A bit of progress was made such as the main shape of the room and the floor clipped.

Tune in for more in the future.