PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
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- 37096
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- 47656 (6.62)
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- 4515 (0.63)
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- 3 (0)
- Journals
- 60 (0.01)
- Wiki Edits
- 4524 (0.63)
- Comments
- 971 (0.13)
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- 4907 (0.68)
- Name
- Dan
- Preferred Pronouns
- he/him
- Joined
- 30th December 2004 (19 years ago2004-12-30 10:21:51 UTC)
- Last Visited
- 12 hours ago2024-09-19 23:03:39 UTC
- Email
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- Occupation
- Programmer/Analyst
- Interests
- Gaming, Programming
- Location
- Australia
- Languages
- English
- Birthday
- 02/12
- Steam Profile
- penguinboy
- Skills
- Mapping, Programming
Hi! I'm the owner and operator of TWHL. I also do a bunch of programming stuff that you may or may not find interesting!
Current Projects (in descending order of deadness):
- TWHL - this website!
- Programming work for The Core
- Sledge (no longer being worked on) - An alternative to Hammer for Goldsource mapping