
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-03-03 04:21:47 UTC 10 comments
currently writing a new tut - about 30-40% done
also my sp mod is VERY slowly coming along......i do about 1/2 an hour work on it a day - making a carpark to a hotel now...
EDIT: these screens are outdated now.
AJ18 years ago2006-03-03 00:43:05 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Habboi18 years ago2006-03-02 13:48:09 UTC 0 comments

Ok so when was the last time I posted here...GOD I say this every FRICKING TIME!

Anyway hmf you remember I said I was working on a Resident Evil REmake for Sven co-op which would just be one map like RECO for Sven co-op HL1.

Unfortunately 1. I lost interest and 2. I found it hard so I am taking a break to work on Dedication 2.

I have many applicants but not as many as I had hoped for...Maybe no-one cares...I started working on Tycell's but because his plan was well basic I didn't like it so I tried to incorporate the ideas but changed the environment ever so much aka instead of a hollow cylinder with liquid at the bottom and floating platforms I changed it to a swamp with poisoness liquid and mountains surrounding it with a stair case and warp points...It looks ok but somehow I don't feel it is well right to be put in...Grr this is a hard plan to follow Tycell!!!!!111

Erm apart from that I have had to work ever so hard on Coursework for Sixth Form such as the dreaded Maths Coursework which was supposed to take an hour but ended up taking 5 hours just figuring it OUT 0_O...

So as you can see I have been busy which is why Dedication has been slow however I also get bored of mapping so don't think I map everyday :P

On other subjects I am awaiting Kingdom Hearts 2 still which came out in Japan not too long ago and is due in America on the 28th of March. According to it will arrive on the 28th of April in the UK so I ordered it and hope for the best.

For those who don't know what KH2 is it is a PS2 game based off of Final Fantasy only you move around and fight like crazy...Words can't describe it so check it:

Fan Site:
Loads of Video's:

So I eagerly await that...I downloaded Onimusha 3 a while ago and completed that! Pretty good although the lazy bums didn't change the controls for the PC version so the stupid game say's press X, R1 etc...
The soundtrack is excellent so I downloaded it and so some of the songs will be in Dedication 2.

I feel like ranting a little but in the UK there are these stupid adverts that go on about how their insurance are the UK's number 1 etc but how the hell can companies claim that!? I mean they need proof...Graphs! ANYTHING! GRR they drive me crazy! AND what about that damn new WOMEN ONLY INSURANCE! THEY CLAIM WOMEN ARE SAFER DRIVERS! WTF!? That makes me laugh out loud!

Anyway I was browsing the KH2 forums and to skip boring details this guy sent me a link to a game type application site:

The link takes you to jobs but you can go on the homepage...
It has job applicants for those who wish to work in the game industry...This applies to most countries!!!

Only problem is it has enlightened me on the fact that you need a hell of a lot of experience and determination. Something I might not have...

You all remember my compo map for HL2 well sadly I don't think it is worthy for your eyes and there is nothing worth fixing so I guess a few pictures will have to do:

So it seems I have a lot time XD

Not long till my birthday in a sense...It's on the 29th of April which to me isn't very long at all. Soon I can learn to drive a car w00t...

People seem to like calling me sick...Strider uses this reference in his comic, I got an award from Good map, a guy on MSN called Dynamic dude who should be called Dynamicfuck because although I did act gay as his brother was on his account so I couldn't resist but annoy him...Then he complains the next day about me posting gay pics etc and I am like 'ssh you, go talk to your friend or something.'

Ok so enough of this typing...It has been fun writing this and like always I hope you enjoyed reading it.
DarkAngel18 years ago2006-03-02 12:17:05 UTC 0 comments
Wow, it's really hard to find good cyber sex partners!!! I've been looking for weeks!

:heart: all!

bumtown18 years ago2006-03-02 02:36:59 UTC 1 comment
my dog ate my hl1 box which confused me :zonked:
AJ18 years ago2006-03-01 21:09:52 UTC 0 comments
Zomg! Legality, yay!
Elon Yariv18 years ago2006-03-01 13:20:37 UTC 0 comments
Woohoo. I was in TWHL for a whole year! :biggrin:
Tetsu018 years ago2006-03-01 11:30:58 UTC 0 comments
Hello Tetsu0! This is your 200th login. Whoa!

it only took me a year :biggrin:
Ansith18 years ago2006-02-27 22:09:35 UTC 0 comments
Well I get my new computer a week ago, I was hooked on HL2 for a few days. But I've come across a few problems the dam internet is so slow :(, But I also have good new when the contract thingo expires I'm getting better internet provider rather than this cap one that I've got, I'll be getting a better speed as well :D.
srry18 years ago2006-02-27 18:04:18 UTC 0 comments
I've been on a train twice today, about 4 hours total. Now I feel like I'm swaying back and forth. The worst part: I only got to log in to TWHL once while I was gone, and it was for like 3 minutes at this tiny little library computer. THE HORROR!!!
satchmo18 years ago2006-02-27 15:14:32 UTC 0 comments
I had one of the busiest night last night at the urgent care clinic. There are tons of kids who are throwing up and coughing.

It's a miracle I don't get sick all the time.

And I saw a 15-year-old girl this morning. She's only fifteen, but she's already been in and out of jail several times for drug offenses. She has depression, anxiety disorder, alcohol abuse, coccain abuse, and meth abuse in her long list of diagnosis.

It can be depressing sometimes, even in pediatrics.
Instant Mix18 years ago2006-02-26 13:28:25 UTC 0 comments
Hey! 210 , i'm in the hundreds , just 64 days i've been off!!! :heart:
Oh uh...... ...... ...... ... Aww jesus..../. :thefinger: :thefinger:
Saribous18 years ago2006-02-24 08:45:47 UTC 0 comments
I've been here for 1003 days! :D
38_9818 years ago2006-02-24 07:27:48 UTC 0 comments
First off, i would like to say congratulations to penguinboy for his excellent work! :)

Secondly, i would also like to say congratulations to Daubster, Muzzleflash and Captain P on they're further 'promotions' :D

pff, life hasn't been treating me well recently. With the death of my dog gasp and my cat peanut double gasp and my uncle/aunties divorce triple gasp

Although, i am moving to Canada with my aunty after the divorce (in the summer) which should prove to be a somewhat delightful experience from these negative months.

I think that wraps that up.

Hello 38_98! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master!

rowleybob18 years ago2006-02-23 16:23:46 UTC 0 comments
Playing JK1 - Mysteries Of The Sith" lately Horrible, fun, and interesting all at the same time :)