
Jax18 years ago2006-02-21 21:39:02 UTC 0 comments
Finally submitted my Compo map, It could be optimized more but since the compo reads "0 days left" I better just send it in now.
Tetsu018 years ago2006-02-21 18:53:59 UTC 0 comments
Jeez i never had to complete a map on a deadline before, but here it is. my first compo map. done and done. i cant say its premium quality but im satisfied with it :biggrin:
hopefully i can take home a bronze at least!
pepper18 years ago2006-02-21 12:43:53 UTC 0 comments
GMT1500 Zulu - powering up the engines for the first leg in pepper's tour around the world.

GMT 1729 Zulu - first leg completed from KMSO to KAST. Only 400nm done so far.

GMT 1830 Zulu - The crew is done refeuling, anchorage here i come! Only 1200nm this second leg.

GMT 2144 Zulu - Anchorage isnt in sight yet, though she is holding steady im still worried a bit about the feul tanks, there suttering and the weight is being destributed unevenly, maby il need to shift the weights by dumping feul for the landing to balance here out.

GMT 2144 Zulu - new calculations show me that i should make it to Anchorage, tanks are still filled for 37% so i should make it just fine.
254nm to go.
Jax18 years ago2006-02-20 20:34:28 UTC 0 comments
I really don't like these Journals. Its not as personal as I would like it to be and its just another thing to write in to show people what I think which noone cares about anyway.

Desperatly rushing to finish my compo map...
Snpbond18 years ago2006-02-20 16:03:37 UTC 0 comments
Hello Snpbond! This is your 900th login. Awsome, and my new map is released :D
D_man18 years ago2006-02-20 07:42:44 UTC 0 comments
Does any one know where i can download a source editor

Hammer for Source can only be downloaded via Steam. Go to Tools and get the Source SDK - it comes with Hammer. - Ant
srry18 years ago2006-02-19 19:41:03 UTC 5 comments
I need more inspiration for a new map... I finished my last one in only 3 days.
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-02-19 09:20:52 UTC 0 comments
I don't feel all that well.
Ansith18 years ago2006-02-18 08:30:07 UTC 0 comments
New computer on monday hopefully
D_man18 years ago2006-02-18 04:37:53 UTC 0 comments
Hello D_man! This is your 300th login. Woohoo!
Captain P18 years ago2006-02-16 16:02:58 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Ah, nice. I made some progress.

Programming progress that is. I just finished up a simple (and somewhat ugly) version of my .ms3d loader. The purpose is to use Milkshape models as collision objects, so only the vertices and faces have to be read in (face normals are generated by my code when they're put into a collision mesh object in memory).
Right now my program displays the values of every vertex as well as the vertex indices and the face normal of every face.

Next stage will be to create a full .ms3d loader, for the visual models. I'm going to limit it to static models only first, as I haven't really got an idea about how to handle the animations. We'll see about this later on.

Ok, code mode off. In other words, I'm able to process model files to use them in a game I'm writing. More on this later. :)

EDIT: We all like screenshots, right? Here are some:
Greenshaded view
Wireframe view
D_man18 years ago2006-02-16 07:46:24 UTC 0 comments
Let us shed a tear for coffee
Well all I can say is in this one picture
User posted image

He will probably come back any way
Daubster18 years ago2006-02-15 23:38:40 UTC 0 comments
Tiz Independance Day in Lithuania!! :glad:
User posted image
Slasher_10118 years ago2006-02-15 12:20:26 UTC 0 comments
Hey everyone, I've been away for like a month or two, and I just remembered to pop in and tell u all that I'll be away for a while still.

But I'll be back some time soon.

Till then, c ya !
vulstar18 years ago2006-02-15 10:54:17 UTC 0 comments
looool woOoOoOoT!!!!!
I make maps voor 5 years now for diferend kind of game's.
and working with datbases of lineageII.