
Geek (_!_)18 years ago2006-02-04 23:33:24 UTC 0 comments
Havent mapped in so long, hoping to try and map a few floor plans I have found on the net. Trying to keep something creative going and lots have changed sence I mapped last. Most of all I got married, have a 2yo stepson and have another son on the way. I basicly only work and play with my stepson and a few games. Hopefull I can get the hang of the new Hammer and Source mapping. :)
Elon Yariv18 years ago2006-02-04 10:02:44 UTC 0 comments
I discovered something that makes me even a sicker being then I was before...

I remember most of the errors listed in tommy's error page. :nervous:

Well these were totally unintresting news, and here are some more:
My forum posts per day count decreases slowly. I'm so happy that it happens, in my last post it was 10.6 per day now it's 10.5!!

I just did something that makes this entery abit more important! I made my first texture! :biggrin:
kol18 years ago2006-02-04 09:32:15 UTC 0 comments
A New HL1 Project is starting. Issues?!!!

This was sent to all the Issues people:
Over on the Spirit of Half-Life boards there's been a certain amount of interest expressed in doing another PQL/Issues like map-pack of Spirit based maps. It probably means I'm certifiably insane, but I'm actually considering leading it. I wanted to find out how you guys felt about it first though - after all Issues was a group effort.

I'm not really sure how much interest there might be in doing another project based on HL1. I know some of the VERC regulars tried to do a PQL3 based on HL2, but it seems to have fizzled - so this might be really "beating a dead horse" so to speak.

I guess to find out I'll just have to make a few posts around and see what kind of response I can get.

I don't have eMails any more for all of our orignal group - for that matter I'm not sure if the one's I have for all of you are still good. If you know of any others, please pass this on to them (and let me know what their eMail addresses are).

If you haven't heard of Issues, urgh.. Look it up at moddb or read about the idea here:

I'm not sure how far Firebinder would have wanted me to spread this....

So, if you're interested in another HL:Spirit Project, make your self known by broadcasting your approval via any electronic dispatch.

PS: Don't Email me - i don't/won't/didn't run the mod.
Xyos21218 years ago2006-02-03 20:29:24 UTC 0 comments
Man I havnt Updated my Journal in sooo long.

500th Login! AWSOME!!!11

Me and Exos212 just finished cs_miami for CSS :)

Hopefully if I dont get any more reports or homework from my professors I can learn XSI modeling and work on custom textures :)
Rimrook18 years ago2006-02-02 10:38:38 UTC 0 comments
If you need help with a problem map, need a texture or textures, or would like an optimized compile, just pm me and let me. I am open to help those who ask for it. :glad: :heart:

DISCLAIMER: I don't have internet at home and I commute solely at the sckool. I don't have class on wednesday, saturday, and sunday. But those days, i have a chance to work on the requests. The whole deal is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.
satchmo18 years ago2006-02-02 10:04:25 UTC 0 comments
My sister-in-law just delivered a healthy baby girl yesterday. My wife and I were there with them during labor and delivery.

I am an uncle now.
dragons18 years ago2006-02-01 19:04:51 UTC 0 comments
Okay, I'm taking a break from my sven-coop map/HL Mod. I will be working on the HLDM compo. It's going to be future gothic themed like quake. I can't give you much information on it yet or I'd have to kill you. :D
Kaido18 years ago2006-02-01 16:23:38 UTC 0 comments
Feeling kind of low now. Tired, get the idea.

I'm having mixed emotions of the people I signed on to work with me on my next project. Although, being green as they are, still show much promise.

But damn, I had a deadline of 7 months and...hell, we haven't got anything done apart from the script and aspects of concept art.
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-01-31 23:41:17 UTC 0 comments
Hello Seventh-Monkey! This is your 9000th login. You're insane. :P - Ant
NinjaGrinch18 years ago2006-01-31 21:24:26 UTC 0 comments
According to wikipedia A journal (through French from late Latin diurnalis, daily) is a daily record of events or business.

Great. Now that that's settled, on to the events of the day. At approximately 9:15 I looked up Journal on Wikipedia, and shortly thereafter posted this, my first journal entry.

Porting my multi-year spanning counterstrike map, cs_condos, over to Source is going reasonably well. More on this later, right now I have to watch Doom on DVD!
AJ18 years ago2006-01-31 20:03:30 UTC 0 comments
Sooo...Windows Live Messenger.

I managed to snag an invite to the beta testing of the new MSN Messenger and frankly, I'm not sure what to think of it. Put simply, Live is just MSN with a new skin. The program seems to use more resources than MSN 7.5.

Live still contains all the annoyances of the unpatched version of 7.5, only this time its blended into the interface a little better. Didn't stop me hunting Google for a patch to get rid of the ads, the various buttons for crappy features I'll never need as well as disabling Wink and Nudge support (oh how I hate those things). Some people say I'm being overly critical - those people can go screw themselves.

Even so, the patched version of Live doesn't have the cleanliness of my patched 7.5. In fact, the Live interface looks a lot like my Wordpress powered website - dunno if that's good or bad. Perhaps I just need a better patch, but the contact list feels very cluttered and somewhat plastic.

Its still a beta, but I doubt the situation will get any better. I'm hoping that will release another of their awesome patches for Live, so I can fix it properly. Similarily, I hope the new Messenger Plus! is released soon, so I can get some functionality out of the dang program.

Overall: Not particularly satisfied.
Snpbond18 years ago2006-01-31 13:36:54 UTC 0 comments
Im so happy, after all these years with 56k Im finally getting highspeed :biggrin:

Although Im on a farm, and cant get highspeed, we're setting up wireless on the weekend and it'll be awfully nice to be able to play some new games, although NS will still be a sweet game to play :D
Rimrook18 years ago2006-01-31 11:28:02 UTC 0 comments
That's final. I'm long overdue for something.
I don't want a shiny trophy, but i want to choose and judge the next compo. I would GLADLY STAY OUT of the compo if the winner offers me choice and judging privledges. I doubt that will happen, so I have to secure my opportunities on my own.

Good luck to all and Happy Mapping~ i luv yu guys :glad: :heart:
Manko18 years ago2006-01-29 16:00:52 UTC 0 comments
Well, I guess I have to write something as a first entry. :biggrin:

I started making a map today that I might send in for the HLDM Server Map Contest if I feel like it fits there when it's done. Some screens can be seen here:

Nr 1
Nr 2

Now for some sleep... :tired:
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-01-29 14:38:42 UTC 0 comments
I'm bored. Let's have some TWHL statistics.

Top forum posters

1. (14573 posts) Seventh-Monkey
2. (7051 posts) Luke
3. (5753 posts) ZombieLoffe
4. (4723 posts) RabidMonkey
5. (3985 posts) Habboi

Most viewed profiles

1. (8675 views) Seventh-Monkey
2=. (6730 views) Andy
2=. (6730 views) Elon Yariv
4. (5436 views) RabidMonkey
5. (5150 views) Madcow

Most logins

1. (8973 logins) Seventh-Monkey
2. (6433 logins) *Mario
3. (6286 logins) pepper
4. (5967 logins) ZombieLoffe
5. (5888 logins) jaardsi

Neat, eh?