
BrattyLord18 years ago2005-11-15 02:48:42 UTC 0 comments
Hello BrattyLord! This is your 2000th login. Incredible!
Howdy18 years ago2005-11-15 01:00:48 UTC 0 comments
Hello Howdy! This is your 255th login.

im a geek, sue me! :P
BigHead18 years ago2005-11-15 00:44:34 UTC 0 comments

Busy working on first map.
Darth Duvet18 years ago2005-11-15 00:43:07 UTC 0 comments
Finished 'Headcrab Revenge'!!! Hope it is popular, mindless dectruction ect..
Dorian2718 years ago2005-11-14 12:06:21 UTC 0 comments
I got my girlfriend "Conker: Live and Reloaded" for her birthday, and I feel bad because I like that game a lot too, but I promised not to play it. (dont worry, she likes Video Games too, I'm not that bad a boyfriend.)
But this recent purchase has inspired me Map-wise
I'm thinking about making some Conker's Bad Fur Day maps.

I was thinking:

"The Main Area" (the one with the windmill in the middle) as HLDM

The Multiplayer Map "Colors"as TFC

The Multiplayer Map "Bunker" as HLDM

"The Barn Area"as CS (giant ladders up high as bomb site)

"The Saving Private Ryan Scene - The Beaches of Normandy"as CS (although the DOD map "Charlie" already Illustrates this)

The Multiplayer Map "Total War" as TFC

and some others...
Maybe some "Live and Reloaded" maps as well, although I haven't seen much of them.
If anyone wants to help me (cus I never have time to map anymore) PM me and we can work together on them.
AJ18 years ago2005-11-14 03:00:14 UTC 0 comments
I have a new rant, but its not really a rant this time! A little comment, if you will.

Take a look.
Howdy18 years ago2005-11-13 14:14:02 UTC 0 comments
untill TWHL desides to get a few REAL source tutorials:

Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-11-13 10:55:02 UTC 0 comments
Forum posts: 3000 (11.7)
Thats too much! :nervous:
Darth Duvet18 years ago2005-11-13 07:18:08 UTC 0 comments
Have almost finished first proper map, will post soon...
Daubster18 years ago2005-11-13 07:12:39 UTC 0 comments
Hello Daubster! This is your 888th login.
kol18 years ago2005-11-13 06:41:25 UTC 0 comments
Heh - mapping thing sounds great seventh.

I haven't posted much lately, so here's some Coil stuff:

Coil will be released In Episodic Form: 3 in total. The first is set for a x-mas release.

Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-11-12 12:33:51 UTC 0 comments
Awesome: I'm actually doing some mapping again!

Last map I posted was August last year. Ah well. Should be fun!
'Bout damn time too! - Ant
Rimrook18 years ago2005-11-12 09:50:41 UTC 0 comments
Thanks to all of the judges for the rather merciful trophy. I really spent half of the month working on the entry, and the other half dealing with webspace and switching between the internet at the school and my work at home. More than a hassle than it's worth.


I really mean that too.

And yeah, i did use spirit. I was skeptical at first really. The use of custom code was not clearly stated in the compo brief, and some of the things I had planned would be difficult to execute smoothly without messing up everytime.

The senseless files included with the mod was a big slip of the eye as well. I thought I had packaged it up cleanly, but steam must have placed a bunch of crap-files in the mod's directory before zipping it. The sprites that weren't used couldn't be deleted because the map supposeably used them. I still don't really know how to fix this one :(

The textures were rather decent on my behalf, given I made them in one day, unlike most of my sets, i spent up to 4 to 10 days on textures alone. Some of them didn't match keenly and some weren't that nice at all.

I thought the map was too long, really.

... and i still don't have a decent file host. If anyone can PM me a link, please do so. I tried GeoCities, and all of the plugins don't work on the school's comps.

~Thanks for listening to my bullshit.

38_9818 years ago2005-11-12 03:44:03 UTC 0 comments
Damn internet connection, highly confusing scenario occured a few days back, but im not going into details...

Anyway, after reading the recent news and contest results i believe that a 'congratulations' is an order for...

Kasperg, Alexb911 and Rimrook who all did very well in their entries. Congratulations!!!!

And also, congratulations to BJ on his new tutorial, Adding an HL2 Custom Sequence!!!!

And another 3 congratulations to Captain P, Muzzleflash and Daubster for becoming the new Map vault moderators. Congratulations to you guys as well! :D

Tonight im going to 'glastonbury carnival' featuring 104 floats. The carnival prosession is moving through several towns but is stopping here tonight. W00t!
rowleybob18 years ago2005-11-11 18:25:03 UTC 0 comments
Enjoying Ninja, Please By Mr. Robert Hamburger :heart: