Journal #2698

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-14 12:06:21 UTC
I got my girlfriend "Conker: Live and Reloaded" for her birthday, and I feel bad because I like that game a lot too, but I promised not to play it. (dont worry, she likes Video Games too, I'm not that bad a boyfriend.)
But this recent purchase has inspired me Map-wise
I'm thinking about making some Conker's Bad Fur Day maps.

I was thinking:

"The Main Area" (the one with the windmill in the middle) as HLDM

The Multiplayer Map "Colors"as TFC

The Multiplayer Map "Bunker" as HLDM

"The Barn Area"as CS (giant ladders up high as bomb site)

"The Saving Private Ryan Scene - The Beaches of Normandy"as CS (although the DOD map "Charlie" already Illustrates this)

The Multiplayer Map "Total War" as TFC

and some others...
Maybe some "Live and Reloaded" maps as well, although I haven't seen much of them.
If anyone wants to help me (cus I never have time to map anymore) PM me and we can work together on them.


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