
Mephs18 years ago2005-11-08 12:33:56 UTC 0 comments
Happy 22nd birthday to me! :heart:

Happy 22nd indeed! Here's a slice of e-cake to you! - Rabideh
Dizzy Devil18 years ago2005-11-07 17:02:49 UTC 0 comments
Well it has been awhile...

Got a map coming up.

Be my first HLDM conversion from CS.

Hope it turns out OK.
BJ18 years ago2005-11-07 12:47:46 UTC 0 comments
"This is your 700th login."
Rimrook18 years ago2005-11-07 07:28:37 UTC 0 comments
ergh... it took me 3 days to get HL2 properly functioning with all of the utilities and junk.

But everything is soooooo worth it. :D
Tosse18 years ago2005-11-06 23:29:47 UTC 0 comments
Ok, lot?s of progress with the map, im soon done. So keep your eyes open i might soon tell ya that Banko_Arena is no longer a Beta version, but the real deal!
Ichthyosaur18 years ago2005-11-06 21:49:19 UTC 0 comments
Well I dont know what to say really?
Can people read them?
Work on the Stargate level goes slowly.
But for the first time in along time it goes!
Howdy18 years ago2005-11-06 15:00:49 UTC 0 comments
life sucks... period :|
Habboi18 years ago2005-11-06 09:34:54 UTC 0 comments
Well I wanted to post my first model thanks to the TWHL tutorial!
Ok so i forgot to place the vtf inside but I made a cube!

User posted image

Haha I feel all mighty now :)

Anyway i'm going to try to learn animating it, texturing still has me confused but i'll figure it out :)

Then i'm off to practice making real things like a table, chair etc...Onto guns :D
Dred_furst18 years ago2005-11-06 05:45:27 UTC 0 comments
A few updates, RS died, I'm now running XP, same PC as the last blog entry, and i'm mapping again =D Now for the dred_furst research facility :P
Kaido18 years ago2005-11-05 20:04:19 UTC 0 comments
So here I am, saturday night late, working on the redesigned site of my new independent development company.

I've had a long time to thing about all the good times post-grammer whore stages of my gaming lifestyle. Oh yes, i could imagine people who are regular members of ModDB may recognise me as one of the many semi-literate retards who thought "i know!, lets build a mod and be like the people who built counter-strike". That stage of my life has passed, I have grown from the anoying 11 year old that was an obsessive gamer. I am now attempting to do my part as an independent developer in the modern age of gaming.

Wow!, my entire life story in 1 cramped little paragraph. Perhaps I have grown up.....
Rimrook18 years ago2005-11-05 18:23:28 UTC 0 comments
Half-Life 2 is mine, i got all of the crap i need to make anything.

Tosse18 years ago2005-11-05 16:16:02 UTC 0 comments
I uploaded the beta version of Banko_arena!

It?s a HLDM map and i want comments, but keep in mind: It?s just a beta version :biggrin:
AJ18 years ago2005-11-05 14:55:20 UTC 0 comments
Well, here I am at my Dad's work looking at a tonne of emails and other crap. My graphics card overheated about a week and a bit ago so I haven't been able to tell anyone anything.

My exams finished on Thursday, so I'm a free man! No more school (except for Uni), so for the time being, its party time.

I'll be getting a new computer soon, a nice one that should last me for a while. AMD 64 4000+. 2 gigs of RAM, 300 gig HDD, the whole nine yards. Should be awesome.

I apologise for my absence from the forums and moderator duties. This couldn't be helped: I had exams, and I couldn't access another computer. Hopefully, in a week or so, I'll have a new PC and I'll be back properly.

Mephs18 years ago2005-11-05 05:17:27 UTC 0 comments
Penguins rave.

I got bored.
theonering18 years ago2005-11-05 02:31:59 UTC 0 comments
And now im back... :glad: