
Trapt18 years ago2005-11-04 17:53:33 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 1600th login.

38_9818 years ago2005-11-03 03:01:34 UTC 0 comments
Congratulations to Bratty and BJ on their new tutorials :D

Congratulations to all those that have rewards :)


Welcome back Urbanebula! :)

Urgh, im in a rather annoying twist, i don't have any ideas to map on...And i feel the urge to map...

Stupid ideas, they never come up when you need them...
chris66618 years ago2005-11-03 00:42:18 UTC 0 comments
Hm, as much as I doubt this will ever be read I'm still gonna write. This is the first I've ever written any journal whatsoever online. I'm crammin to try and finish my entry for the test chamber. I started it on the 31 giving me 5 1/2 days to work on it. This becomes difficult when I have to work 9 hours a day...... I've long held a passion for map making but never submitted anything. I think I'll post a couple unfinished maps on here and see if anyone thinks there's potential.
pepper18 years ago2005-11-01 08:30:22 UTC 0 comments
Bought a cd yesterday, wich i rarely do. I listen mostly to the radio. Its from Eric Clapton, called Unplugged.

Pure live and acoustic music, good ol blues songs. Including some of my favorites. Though all of those songs has a deeper meaning, since that is what the bleus is all about. Singing about the good and bad things all around. The catholic church even used to call it the song of the devil. Since there where rumours that singers like johnston got there talent from the devil on a crossroad, and the fact that they sang songs about this really give's them reason to.

Me and the devil bleus
Crossroad bleus
Hellhounds on the trail

Just a couple of examples, Still there is nothing better then a bleus in the night.
Saribous18 years ago2005-10-31 14:37:40 UTC 0 comments
So what's new?

"Finished" another HLDM map intended for play against my retarded classmates. Works pretty well but the R-speeds are a bit high. might do something about that...

Got my Cryptopsy cd today, those guys are completely mad! Angelskingarden pwns.

And I'm going away for 2 days, so no WoW or Hammer for me. Argh!
38_9818 years ago2005-10-31 09:02:23 UTC 0 comments
Hello 38_98! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer!
Daubster18 years ago2005-10-31 08:16:21 UTC 0 comments
Happy Halloween, everyone.. :badass:

A whole bunch of toilet paper rolls + your neighbour's house = fun! ;)
rowleybob18 years ago2005-10-31 04:59:59 UTC 0 comments
I swear to god, if I have to look at that stupid Ragdoll Kung-Fu Ad--whilst logging on to steam--one more time, I going to start Killing people...
BJ18 years ago2005-10-30 15:30:43 UTC 0 comments
"This is your 666th login. Diabolical."
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-10-30 13:12:09 UTC 0 comments
I can't decide what to do for my first minimod. I have all these ideas but I don't know which ones to choose. Maybe the Hax0r idea...or the spacestation. I'm saving the Escape from Purple Mesa one for another day.
Hudlum18 years ago2005-10-30 09:28:03 UTC 0 comments
I love Multi_managers! I've Finialy found a function for them oh my my what jolly day, lalala :heart:
datelus18 years ago2005-10-30 08:08:12 UTC 0 comments
So i was reading this page for a pretty long time, so i finaly decided to join. Hello :) :)
38_9818 years ago2005-10-30 01:53:47 UTC 0 comments
Today i feel somewhat annoyed at the attitudes of those whom think it is wrong to kill animals for consumption (eating)

Its just that people get all whiney and stuff over a poor chicken being eaten and stuff. Were the only predator's that think "We shouldn't be killing these poor things" All the other predator's, like Lions, sharks and whales don't go round eating vegetation because of the "poor lives" they're ending.

I just find it somewhat ridiculous that people think that eating an animal is "animal abuse" and what not because it isn't. Its natural

On another note, happy b-day alexb911! :D

And also, im not sure if this has already been invented, But i made my own saying. Your a few quests short of an RPG and great gravy! :D
Seventh-Test18 years ago2005-10-29 09:21:37 UTC 0 comments
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-10-29 08:16:41 UTC 0 comments
Phew. Marked up five new tutorials for you all in the last few days :cyclops:.
Forsaking monastic tradition, twelve jovial friars gave up their vocation for a questionable existence on the flying trapeze.