
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-10-29 08:16:41 UTC 0 comments
Phew. Marked up five new tutorials for you all in the last few days :cyclops:.
Forsaking monastic tradition, twelve jovial friars gave up their vocation for a questionable existence on the flying trapeze.
alexb91118 years ago2005-10-29 07:41:11 UTC 0 comments
yeah... b-day 2moro. I RULEZ THE WORLD :biggrin:
Vixus18 years ago2005-10-29 06:52:02 UTC 0 comments
Garry's Mod 9 is out, people!!! Go get it! This is the one that allows you to create minimods through Lua scripting. Man, it's awesome.
theonering18 years ago2005-10-29 03:04:49 UTC 0 comments
I am off on holiday for like a week! yay!

goodbye all... :cry:
38_9818 years ago2005-10-29 01:36:49 UTC 0 comments
Yesterday i got Far cry: Instincts which is just awesome. Its quite incredible that they made a Far cry version for Xbox, and the map editor is sweet!

Although it came in extremely wierd pouch case thingy.
Boxtop1718 years ago2005-10-28 18:50:15 UTC 0 comments
Posted my first map. Yay. Have a look-see.
Daubster18 years ago2005-10-28 09:17:05 UTC 0 comments
Hello Daubster! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer!
Yay!! :cool:
Btw, autumn holidays are here!! A whole week from school!! W00t!! :D
davideo5918 years ago2005-10-28 06:18:32 UTC 0 comments
I came back for a visit today because I was thinking about my de_bedroom map again the other day.. To bad I lost the most recent version.

Anyway I looked at some of my forum post and comments and I was really immature with some of them, I guess I didn't take critisizm very well, and I am sorry for all that I may have insulted or argued with.
Vixus18 years ago2005-10-28 02:48:53 UTC 0 comments
Lost Coast was released and my PC's to damn crap to play it. Oh well.
alexb91118 years ago2005-10-27 12:36:54 UTC 0 comments
w00t!! my tutorial has been done. Cheers alot Seventh - you da man!! :cool:
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-10-27 10:19:38 UTC 0 comments
My hair grows at thirteen billionths of a mile an hour (5.7μm/s for us scientists).
SpaG18 years ago2005-10-27 06:38:52 UTC 0 comments
2 days ago i finished watching Elfen Lied. Thats the best anime i've ever seen so far. I felt emotionally beaten up for few days :|. I suggest those who didn't watch it to watch it :>
Habboi18 years ago2005-10-27 05:41:27 UTC 0 comments
Hm, does anyone ever get that happy smug look when a new mapper asks you questions about mapping and you help him. I love doing it as it makes me feel mighty ^^
Anyway not much has gone on in my week off...Went to friends houses and i'm doing my homework.

Sorta looking forward to an upcoming game that is going to end PS2 according to many reviewers.

The disney thing may put off many gamers but the story is deep! I just read the story again and I still get confused at bits but it has many messages of the heart and the gameplay makes it an awesome game. The original which got me addicted was a classic and KH2 will improve on all the old games factors!

PS3 is coming soon and i'm not sure whether to get it yet or not...It might be fun to play with friends but are there any good games made for it? Anyway the PC entertains me more than anything.

Technology is getting boring-ish but it is cool to produce your product once you've designed it. Currently finishing up my AS level coursework and should be done eventually.

Saco is so dumb sometimes though, I think he mis-understands me half the time and thinks he pwns me but I believe he is one of those:

'I am right all the time' people which I don't like so I usuallu just ignore snotty people like that. Lets see what happens in the near future.

People liked my TWHL project so I might make a new one in the near future. One with a certain madcow in it :)

I hope there is a Source compo because i've always wanted to enter one but they are too hard for me.

On the mapping side I haven't done much lately...I'm working for gang-life and they want me to make a skatepark with GeneralVivi.
I tried making a mario style map but that failed because of Valve's code! and my snow mountain test was ok but the fog was really screwed up.

Here is a bad pic:
User posted image
Anyway that is all...
Slasher_10118 years ago2005-10-26 12:29:55 UTC 0 comments
OK, I'll be gone for about a month.

Perverse-Smilie-Time -> :quizzical:
Fragmeister18 years ago2005-10-26 07:46:35 UTC 0 comments
Well, my website's down. In the meantime, you can check out my forums: Kinda pointless, posting it here, but if anyone cares, or is interested in BASIC programming, then go there! Or if you're into webdesign...

Hello Fragmeister! This is your 200th login. Whoa!