
Daubster19 years ago2005-10-03 21:39:46 UTC 0 comments
Hello, Daubster! This is your 666th login!! Finally!! :badass: :badass:
New avatar... 10 mins of phsp work... :roll:
Dorian2719 years ago2005-10-03 11:38:56 UTC 0 comments
check out these shirts i got Pwn*, n00bs and Super Duper I'm wearing the last one right now... :biggrin:
alexb91119 years ago2005-10-03 08:11:45 UTC 0 comments
me m8 joined 2day. hes cool, well,... different :biggrin:
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-10-03 04:40:03 UTC 0 comments
Hello dandyli0n`! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer! :biggrin:
AJ19 years ago2005-10-03 03:05:22 UTC 0 comments
Two weeks from now I begin the final exams of the HSC (that's the Higher School Certificate). The outcome of these exams, plus my results of this year determine my UAI, which determines which Uni courses I can get into.

In other news, in my fast evaporating spare time, I'm recalibrating one of my film sets to become a deathmatch map. DM_Trainstation is currently undergoing optimisation as its incredibly rough at the moment. I'm also doing little bits on Rogue Threat when I get the chance, but I'm awfully pressed for time.

Ah well, after the 4th of November I'll be free till March when Semester One of Uni starts! PARTY TIME

Site's down at the moment, the server crashed and I lost everything. Ah well, it'll be back soon enough!
EDIT: It's back. ;)
BioPulse19 years ago2005-10-02 23:01:49 UTC 0 comments
Still trying to get my name changed to BioPulse , well if you read this ( lol , like anyone would! ) then u knwi it's me :o phear me or something!

on another note, jsut re-started mapping seriously, i'll be trying to get out some media work for my very first sauce map :) :aggrieved:
satchmo19 years ago2005-10-02 21:41:04 UTC 0 comments
If you're wondering exactly what happened on my honeymoon, you can read my comprehensive travelogue in my blog. I have a tendency to document obsessively after I return from my trips, and I apologize for not having a Cliff's Note version.

P.S. Don't look for any juicy parts in the text. I am not ready to share all my honeymoon experience with everyone.
Snpbond19 years ago2005-10-02 20:18:09 UTC 0 comments
Soo..Starting a new map, the location is a beach, hopefully I can figure out antlions and get them to work, and then Ill keep on going through the map, from water to buggy to bridge to the end :)
Light Soul Blue19 years ago2005-10-02 18:09:49 UTC 0 comments
YES!!!I've done it!!!!I FINALLY got the trains to stop in their right stops. I fixed this by giving the trains the same name and deleting
path_tracks that had no use. Ahh, I can finally continue! :biggrin:
Fragmeister19 years ago2005-10-02 17:43:07 UTC 0 comments
My 128th login! One of my favorite powers of 2! w00t! (no, wait, they're all my favorite) All hail binary!

And, there's a new compo! I want to enter this one! I hope it's awesome.
pepper19 years ago2005-10-02 14:28:47 UTC 0 comments
Started working on a cessna 172 and a ford sierra for Half-life 2, as static models and as driveble models!
SpaG19 years ago2005-10-02 09:10:21 UTC 0 comments
Congratulations Muzzle, Kasperg and Dauster
User posted image
Daubster19 years ago2005-10-02 08:22:47 UTC 0 comments
Bronze... Tbh, I expected more, but since my entry had some bugs and a poor link to Xen, due to lack of time - bronze it is. Congrats, Kasperg and MuzzleFlash.. :)
Can't wait till the next compo!
Elon Yariv19 years ago2005-10-02 05:49:40 UTC 0 comments
Congratulations Muzzleflash and Kasperg for winning in my compotition! :biggrin:

Daubster you're lucky for your entery has almost got no connection to xen! :tired: What does time travel got to do with xen's transportation system?? :quizzical:
alexb91119 years ago2005-10-02 05:16:30 UTC 0 comments
yeh, i got a special mention. oh, im blushing!! :)