
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-10-02 03:39:51 UTC 0 comments
Nine hundred days at TWHL. Hurray!
Gackt19 years ago2005-10-01 19:59:01 UTC 0 comments
Reality bytes. Yes, I spelled it wrong - for a reason. The bytes carrying HL2's beautiful pixels from my video card to my monitor are now of DX7 quality, curteousy of my unstable Radeon 9600 XT 128MB card. No, I'm not using that particular card - rather, my old GeForce 4000 MX, which I thought I would never touch again. Once my PC started crashing when I added NPCs to my Source maps, I had had enough.

I'd rather have nauseating graphics than the inability to render maps, but geez, DirectX 9 effects grow on you after a while. Now it feels switching from a DVD player to VHS. Add to that the fact that I'll be poor for a good three months or so, and you have a recipie for one unhappy mapper.

Sigh... my next card'll be an NVIDIA - after the experience I've had with ATI, I'd never go back. Heed that warning well, young ones.
Light Soul Blue19 years ago2005-09-30 23:55:41 UTC 0 comments
Hmm, been working on a SP map for HL2. Don't really know what its about and I'm really concerned about the beginning and flow of entities and whatnot. Ever since Dystopia mapping sorta got messed up, I guess. I ought to write this weekend as well. Stuff shouldn't be explained at this time of day :roll:
Gackt19 years ago2005-09-30 11:09:00 UTC 0 comments
My Current Projects (ordered by priority):

1. Christmas Manor (personal project, will be private until finished)
2. dm_dunvegan (the spiritual successor to the yet-to-be-released dm_castle)
3. dm_castle (World's largest HL2 castle that lags even a Dell XPS)
4. Haunted House (more Fast Zombies than a Ravenholm drainpipe!)
5. dm_tumbler (Steering correction is next on the agenda)
6. dm_socratesdemocracy (Ichthyosaur, here's lookin' at you!)
Fragmeister19 years ago2005-09-30 07:13:40 UTC 0 comments
I haven't hardly had time for mapping recently as I have been busy recording with my band. (well, it's not MY band, so to speak, but i'm in it) It's fun as hell, and is kind of more important than mapping at the moment. But there will be other days. I have not given up on TWHL!
satchmo19 years ago2005-09-30 06:35:23 UTC 0 comments
I am back from my honeymoon in Italy, and I have some pictures to share. You can see them at,ren%3as,46%3af,0

It seems that not everyone is behaving while I was gone on vacation at the TWHL. :)
Daubster19 years ago2005-09-30 04:06:30 UTC 0 comments
Well I submitted my compo entry at bout 9pm yesterday... Wish me luck.. The competition is tough. :)
Trapt19 years ago2005-09-30 03:14:04 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 1500th login.

Tosse19 years ago2005-09-30 02:22:54 UTC 0 comments
I was banned! :D But im back :) :heart:

Viva la Tosse!
quiet_girl8619 years ago2005-09-29 20:43:31 UTC 0 comments
it looks better if you blur or squint your eyes..i think... can tell me what you think if you want....constructive critizism is always appreciated :cyclops: (and PM's are always fun to get on a boring day)
Captain P19 years ago2005-09-29 16:12:11 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Guess what... I'm mapping. And modelling. And creating materials. :)

Also, I've redone my site now. Both the look and the technical side of it have been polished as it's now written in php.
I'll put up some articles about some visual tricks in Half-Life soon, and some Milkshape -> HL/HL2 tutorials as well when I find some time.
DarkKilauea19 years ago2005-09-29 13:16:20 UTC 0 comments
Began working on ctf_wizard again, haven't had a lot of time for a while. Work + School + BorgWars = no time.

I'm also learning the hard way what working on an unorganized mod feels like. Can't begin to map until the gameplay and scripts are worked out...
pepper19 years ago2005-09-29 11:31:24 UTC 0 comments
When i was googl'ing around for a certain G-max hack i found a very pleasant surprise:

Looks like my modeling tutorial is listed on the first page!!
Habboi19 years ago2005-09-28 13:06:44 UTC 0 comments
Ok so it's been a bit since I posted...
TWHL dedication map was a success and even got posted on the front page.

So i'm glad thats over, time to study hard...
Tosse19 years ago2005-09-28 12:06:54 UTC 1 comment
Omg... It feels like TWHL is getting... well... bad!

the tutorials are great though, most of the forum threads suck ass.
Arr! Comunist forum! General discussion is not meant for general discussions! If you wright more then two posts in the same forum you are a SPAMMER!
