
quiet_girl8619 years ago2005-09-23 20:05:29 UTC 0 comments
"Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down..." :heart:

Mixed emotions make me wierd.
...I'm wierd anyway...
I feel like I'm talking to myself...

EDIT:....Men really can be sensitive creatures :D
killer110219 years ago2005-09-23 14:03:04 UTC 0 comments
put hold on that little prodject to help with HL:dead labs
Rimrook19 years ago2005-09-23 06:55:43 UTC 0 comments
Great benefits from the single texture mapping style, get this...
First you map your ass off neglecting the texture crap.
Then you look at your environment and pick out or make textures that fit your archetecture and light things perfectly. Consider it like a preview of what your working with when making textures. Then you spend the rest of your time texturing crap like you normally would, only it's like painting on a blank canvas. Add your details like {mask_textures and !water since these are hard to apply without the actual textures. once you're done, replace your starting texture with null textures. This should cover all of the places on the func_walls and such you may have missed. Compile and play :D

I also discovered that in the professional world, two different people do the textures, and the map. I guess this is the method they would go about doing so. It makes much sense to me. I always mapped applying textures and details as i went along. Usually a process of overloading detail, then cutting detail to fit within the limits of the engine. I never really liked this part cuz it threw things off. With the single texture method, it's easier to add and subtract brushes.

i hope this helps someone, cuz i'm sick of listening to myself... :glad: :heart:
evilsod_2k19 years ago2005-09-23 06:41:49 UTC 0 comments
Hello evilsod_2k! This is your 61st login.
In 8 days?! Am I sad or something?!
Theres something about this site that keeps me coming back!
D_man19 years ago2005-09-23 01:54:13 UTC 0 comments
it is holiday for me hooray :biggrin: but it is only 10 days including weekends

6 days not including weekend :quizzical:

BJ19 years ago2005-09-22 18:12:25 UTC 0 comments
600th login. I gotta get a life.

Uploaded to my site a tutorial to followup the character model tut: adding eyes to the model.
Tosse19 years ago2005-09-22 13:14:38 UTC 0 comments
Jimmi got banned today, it was like a war! R.I.P jimmi

And i lost my password, but seventh gave it back

Im hungry
Fragmeister19 years ago2005-09-22 12:12:40 UTC 0 comments
I've been here 50 days. Wow. It seems like a lotlonger than that. I :heart: TWHL! :nuts:
SpaG19 years ago2005-09-22 08:53:00 UTC 0 comments
Hello SpaG! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master!
Teh zomg wh00t
User posted image
Atom.19 years ago2005-09-22 05:40:46 UTC 1 comment
I'm a fake spamming tosser.
Daubster19 years ago2005-09-22 01:09:07 UTC 0 comments
Congrats, Ant! I must admit that I envy ya.. :)
AJ19 years ago2005-09-21 20:19:36 UTC 0 comments
Well, school's over forever! Only Uni remains, if I choose to go. Also, I got a new site, courtesy of RabidMonkey. What a legend he is...
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-09-21 13:38:54 UTC 0 comments
Hurricane Rita's going to hit us. That sucks. :(
Tosse19 years ago2005-09-21 05:08:23 UTC 0 comments
Well... Ok there bob, you win this time... but next time i will bring barney along with me! and gman! :nuts:
Mercenary19 years ago2005-09-20 23:16:04 UTC 0 comments
Hello Mercenary! This is your 1010th login. PWNED :D :biggrin: