
Saribous19 years ago2005-05-29 04:48:34 UTC 1 comment
My internet had been down for more than 24 hrs before I got it to work, just now. How I suffered during those hours!!!

Anyhow, today is a very special day. Today I've been a TWHL member for TWO YEARS!!

Habboi19 years ago2005-05-28 12:03:20 UTC 0 comments
Hey Kasperg...
Don't rush maps :)
You make fine maps and we all love (like ;)...) you the way you are!

I'm looking forward to the new map.
J3r3my19 years ago2005-05-27 18:28:48 UTC 0 comments
Hello J3r3my! This is your 260th login. :(
Trapt19 years ago2005-05-26 23:03:27 UTC 0 comments
Hello trapt! This is your 1100th login.

Red19 years ago2005-05-26 12:05:17 UTC 5 comments
I have just decided that i need somthing in my journal... So here it is... :P
bodiddlie19 years ago2005-05-26 10:13:40 UTC 2 comments
Feels like the first time.... :P

Totally new to mapping. I'm looking at doing a little bit of modding on HL. I can code, can barely <not really> model, and figured I'd try my hand at learning mapping. The way I look at it, there are 2 main contributors to a good game. Good code, and good level design. Personally, I think they go hand in hand. You can't have one and not the other. But it's kind of like the chicken and the egg. Do I start off modifying the weapons to what I want and test them in an included map, or do I create a map and use existing weapons?

I keep going back and forth on which I should focus on first (which means my learning and therefore work, will probably suffer from it). But for the time being I've made up my mind that mapping is the starting point. I don't plan on doing so much to the code that it would break any maps I would make, and even then, so far, I seem to like this mapping stuff. Wouldn't be too terrible if I had to go back through a level. ;)
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-05-26 10:11:31 UTC 1 comment
Last day of school AND almost my 600th login!
cyanide19 years ago2005-05-26 06:02:53 UTC 0 comments
Hello cyanide! This is your 100th login. Nice!
Snpbond19 years ago2005-05-25 20:24:00 UTC 0 comments
Hello Snpbond! This is your 151st login, got to be kidding me, i missed it!!! NOOOOOOOO! Oh well, ive been here for awhile, and i got 151 logins, more than all the 150 suckers :P
Daubster19 years ago2005-05-25 07:07:52 UTC 0 comments
Just passed my exam for the green belt in karate! W00ooott!!! :D
boyty0119 years ago2005-05-25 04:34:36 UTC 0 comments
Need a tut/map? contact me! i'll happily demonstrate anything i understand. what do i understand you ask? hmm.. begin here:

Blocks (brush geometry)

3.displacement (including sewing and alpha painting)

this list might go on a bit so i'll leave out the blatently obvious ones..


cuz im in col at the moment i don't have an available list and my memory is like a siv. contact me at my e-mail address or add me on msn at the same addy if you need help.
boyty0119 years ago2005-05-25 04:22:43 UTC 1 comment
Gettin better at mapping. so good in fact i could give myself a medal for not being quite as shit as i had been from day 1. its been about 6 months since i began mapping. woopee.

man these things make me feel big headed. :
Habboi19 years ago2005-05-24 12:15:32 UTC 0 comments
No point in reading this because this is for me to remember and laugh at when i'm older

I got my English Exam tommorow (GCSE) WOOT
Scared, nervous but confident!

Wish me luck Habboi :P
Daubster19 years ago2005-05-24 07:29:47 UTC 0 comments
The new map is workin out as i planned... Till now i've made like 1/2 of the map... It looks pretty good and i hope that it will be succesful... My biggest fears are about skyrocketing r_speeds :)
Saribous19 years ago2005-05-23 13:12:29 UTC 0 comments
I forgot my keys at home today.. So I had to wait for my mom go get hom from work before I could get in. Shitty..

On a lighter note, I got the highest grade in "Engelska nationella B" which is a test every student does in Sweden, at the same time even :D
Vart hat skal vinne.
Var ondskap skal gro.
A feste seg i unge sjeler.

Den siste krig skal vi vinne,
og de godes blod skal falle som regn.
Deres korte sjeler skal samles.

Vi skal ra de over kaos og evig natt.
Vi skal glemme de kvinnelig vikante modre,
og utslette alt.

Et rike skal reiset seg,
i asken av brennte hjem,
det er kun en herre hersker,
vi heller deg Satan de sterkes konge.

Din tid er kommet.