
Cyn3X19 years ago2005-05-16 21:32:28 UTC 0 comments
nice.. i went to bed around 1.00 this mornin, and was waked up by my dad at 6.00.... :
satchmo19 years ago2005-05-16 12:50:06 UTC 0 comments
The following is my updated profile at SnarkPit:
I am a thirty-something pediatrician in California. My busy life consists of seeing a lot of patients, playing games, exercising, and spending time with my wife.

I have been a gamer since high school (I graduated from which in 1991). Some of my old favorites include the original Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Doom II, Jedi Knights, Deus Ex, No One Lives Forever 2, Medal of Honor series, and Unreal II.

You may have noticed that all of them are FP shooters. I only tried to play a non-shooter once (Riven), and I was deeply disappointed. I will never venture out of the FPS genre again.

More recently, I have enjoyed beating Far Cry and Half-Life 2. I don't play multiplayer much, so you probably won't find me at the SnarkPit server.

Most of you would be shocked that I have never played the original Half-Life. When it was released in 1998, I was in medical school. I barely had enough time to eat and sleep, much less play games.

I started mapping in September of 2004, with the original Half-Life engine. I have made a few Source maps since, but my mapping career came to a halt recently because my work is taking up most of my time. I am hoping to resume mapping one day.

Besides being a mapper and gamer, I am also a cinephile, a jazz connoussier, a bodybuilder, a runner, a writer, and an avid reader (mostly fiction).
pepper19 years ago2005-05-16 10:52:02 UTC 0 comments
Spend today finishing off the uvmap of my mk-23. and i started texturing it.
Slasher_10119 years ago2005-05-16 02:38:32 UTC 0 comments
" Hello Slasher_101! This is your 300th login. Woohoo! "
Tolarian19 years ago2005-05-15 18:44:59 UTC 0 comments
Hey guys!

I'm working on a new HL1 SP mod, called Half-Life Critical Error. I can't tell you guys much about it yet, but if you're interested in participating (modeling, coding, sound editing, mapping or else), you can contact me.

Have a nice evening,
ponta_00819 years ago2005-05-15 09:41:53 UTC 0 comments
Wont be any....
rowleybob19 years ago2005-05-14 21:30:35 UTC 0 comments
"Every single Jedi is now an enemy of The Republic. Do what must must be done! Do not no mercy."
Tetsu019 years ago2005-05-14 17:56:32 UTC 0 comments
OMFG i hate my mind. Seriously i hate it. I just do. I have all these ideas right.. and i create them.. and they're cool but they go NOWHERE!! So i end up getting new ideas, that are also REALLY cool, and those also go NOWHERE!! I need someone to help me make a mod, im REALLY good at making simple 1 floor levels that are quite challenging. SO Whoever reads this.. GOOD FOR YOU! WOOT! :P
SpaG19 years ago2005-05-14 12:27:34 UTC 0 comments
Try this game :)

I reached day 50, didn't wanted to play more... it was too boring but the first 35 days are very interesting to play :)

Good luck
Cyn3X19 years ago2005-05-14 01:52:06 UTC 0 comments
my 4th login :nuts: dis is rele a great site :lol:
async19 years ago2005-05-13 18:43:40 UTC 0 comments
Ungh. Im a bastard sometimes. But sometimes you gotta just say it like it is. Ive had a nice romp throught the forums flaming anything and everything, and I feel much better now. I do like to think Im doing it for a reason though. Some of the so called 'completed maps' are rediculous. Seriously. I could shit a better map out of my ears than some of the submissions. Granted, im by no means a good mapper, but c'mon. Put some effort in you slacking fat wasters.

So it was good to browse back for a while till I realised how stupid and completely inept people were. Ah well. People can only get better, right? right? I fucking hope so.

No doubt you've all seen the rather lovely steam update. If I could create maps like the source inferno I would shag Margret Thatcher up the arse. That is some rather lovely eye candy (Inferno, not saggy maggy). All those moaners that say its laggy can bugger off as well. Upgrade your piece of shit PC, or in the very least sort all the crap out that you no doubt have on that lumpering heap of steel.

Ah ranting. What fun. If you actually want a fucker of an arguement with me, or generally want to suck up and brown nose, feel free to add me on msn: . Im seriously a nice guy. If you dont fancy a bit of banter, eat shit and die.
hazardous!19 years ago2005-05-13 13:02:23 UTC 0 comments
Didn't do anything here for quite a while.
Well, after all, a new avatar. :)
Habboi19 years ago2005-05-13 11:51:06 UTC 0 comments
I was bored so I made these quick artistic pictures of de_boshi :nuts:

I quite like them!


But then I noticed websamba isn't working so damn!
Ummm I guess I have to host elsewhere!
ponta_00819 years ago2005-05-13 03:31:28 UTC 0 comments
Tolarian19 years ago2005-05-12 18:21:49 UTC 0 comments
Hey all!
My computer went mad today, I think I'm due for a Windows reinstall (I've had this one for 1.5 years now :) )

The Xbox360 site went live today ( ) For those who don't know, the Xbox360 is the Xbox2, THE game console you've been waiting for!

I'm not mapping currently and I Miss it... I want to map for Single Player! (Need help for a mod? Ask me!)

Anyway, I'm out now.
See you all later!
