
Habboi19 years ago2005-05-12 11:57:24 UTC 0 comments
Heh funny that the one below, I swear I had diarere after eating that takeaway :P

Anyway usualy update:

Taken from

"Ha ha beta huh well I suppose I never actually thought of making one

Once I have a sort of complete map I will see what I can do!
The reason there isn't one is because the map is uncomplete and you can walk out into the sky...
Plus if you played it now and then I finished it later on you won't be as shocked and think meh this maps ok....


Just some work in progress /"

As it states it's just some work which took me not much time.
I have had a low amount of time to map these days so I rarely have something new!
J4FF419 years ago2005-05-12 04:56:23 UTC 0 comments
im making another maze map now called maze_morelost you'll get more info when i publish it
boyty0119 years ago2005-05-11 03:31:25 UTC 0 comments
  • one day while playing with choreo scenes for HL2 Boyty began compiling the map..everythin was going swell until..*
"Oh shit!!" yeld Boyty.

"what's the problem?" asked an anonymous person, who solely exists to make this journal entry seem realistic.

"are there any chicks in here?" asked deano SPAMone 2.

"what the hell are you doing here?!" asked boyty. And with that Deano disappeared into thin air. *Anyway on with the story..i mean journal entry... :D *

"the problem is that the god damn pc shut down! i swear on Gman's suitcase, if its buggered up my map i'm going to eat the keyboard!"

and thats just what he did...

Note: not based on a true story!

Will update with a story that makes sense soon!!
Captin Binnacle19 years ago2005-05-11 00:36:27 UTC 0 comments
When life hands you a pitch fork, start a riot to burn and maim(and several other words like that), a evil person :x
Tolarian19 years ago2005-05-09 16:06:25 UTC 0 comments
Hey peeps!

I'm thinking about taking over the HL1 SP mod I used to work on, which is now dead (

I got lots of cool comments on my map also ( ). I'll probably make a more detailed version (I did the gaz station kinda quickly :P ) with all the things people suggested in the comments.

See y'all laterz,

PS: Uwc3 <--- That's where I play (My map is there too :P) I'm named Morning Wood in-game.
rowleybob19 years ago2005-05-09 15:08:39 UTC 0 comments
Quasi-resolve, implacability, and resourcefulness: these are your gifts.
Saribous19 years ago2005-05-09 08:03:48 UTC 0 comments
Sorry for the double post but mr hunter disappeared so i'll answer here:

nr.1: I have many many more maps, but I feel that maps should be of good quality before uploading. quality over quantity y'know :)

nr.2: I have no drumkit of my own yet, I use the one at our "rehearsal place" atm. But after the summer I will have my own in the garage, to my mother's disdain :badass:
Saribous19 years ago2005-05-09 07:57:49 UTC 0 comments
Have fun Jahzel :)
Daubster19 years ago2005-05-09 06:51:05 UTC 0 comments
For now, everythin as planned.. Already made the Ct's spawn in my new map... Now workin on the main area... The map's gonna be bigga then i thought.. :o
Captin Binnacle19 years ago2005-05-09 04:06:59 UTC 0 comments
Nerg :P :P :P :P
Hi19 years ago2005-05-08 15:10:41 UTC 0 comments
i lack dedication for my mods.. :zonked:
rowleybob19 years ago2005-05-08 14:12:34 UTC 0 comments
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural."
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-05-08 09:19:07 UTC 0 comments
Hey, I passed 10000 posts a couple of days ago :).
esmajor19 years ago2005-05-08 03:55:56 UTC 1 comment
Oi Vay! Steam isnt so great for dedicated servers. I cant get BOTS to work. Noone will join my server..... (CS: Source)