Im working on the map mentioned in the competition thread, here is the first plane: a p-51d. I will texture it soon. First il have to uvmap it, and yeah. it isnt the best plane ever but it aint that bad.
Something strange happended today when i was compiling my map... Windows ran out of virtual memory and it didn't compiled my map... Log dsais that there was an error... i read all log but didn't found any error there :/
WTF? Maybe it's because there were no virtual memory left
Here are the latest Pictures From what you can see they are mainly of the main bomb site which I have tested blowing up and it was superb, one of the best exploding rooms I have seen in a while
It is basically a sort of lab that will be blown up. The only problem I have come across so far is that when the bomb explodes I see no fire / explosion appear around it :/
Here are the latest Pictures that I could find for de_boshi. As you can see, it is set in a warehouse and I decided to use the same textures nearly everywhere!
It has a nice feel to it and is coming along quite well. I have had no problems so far but even one mistake can cause major bugs which is the bad side to mapping. So I told myself that I would take my time and enjoy it! I also make sure that I don't spend too much time on it otherwsie I start to get tired and wreckless which makes me map extremely bad! An hour break is nice and listening to some rock / Yoga syle music calms me
BigLots map is driving me crazy at 20% done.. workin on it long hours for small details, Iam thinkin maybe I shoulda started a smaller project for my first map... oh well.. too many hours blown now to start over again.. I just hope people like the map.