
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-02-15 05:56:56 UTC 0 comments
Hello dandyli0n`! This is your 152nd login.

Gee, I skipped my 150th login announcement. Oh well, the 152nd will do :P .
AJ19 years ago2005-02-15 01:44:35 UTC 0 comments
Good, isn't it? ;)
monster_urby19 years ago2005-02-15 01:41:16 UTC 0 comments
OMG! I just played HLywood by SlayerA for the first time. Bloody hilarious. Some good mapping aswell.

I would get on with some mapping but i think i'll just go and pop some heads on CounterSrtike : Source
Saribous19 years ago2005-02-14 14:53:49 UTC 0 comments
Hello SariBous! This is your 666th login.

Habboi19 years ago2005-02-14 11:19:41 UTC 0 comments

Jahzel you are funny!
raiseyourfist19 years ago2005-02-14 07:45:31 UTC 0 comments
I got my Dad's old computer, but he's "cleaning it up and organizing it" at the moment. That'll take him a couple of days, then I will be able to start mapping again. Weeks off, ugh, this is terrible.
Saribous19 years ago2005-02-14 07:25:11 UTC 0 comments
Welcome to TWHL. enjoy your stay :)

I've been mapping some today, felt like ages since i opened hammer. Just haven't been feeling creative as of late. And the little creative energy I have have been used in band practice.

We suck big time. :D
Behold the name of the band (to rule them all): Funeral Cunt
BirdOfPrey19 years ago2005-02-14 07:16:05 UTC 0 comments
Welcome Me! Welcome Me :D
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-02-14 05:59:04 UTC 0 comments
Stats after 1 day over 3 weeks:

Logins (per day): 144 (6.5454 etc.)
Forum posts: 60 (2.7272 etc.)
Shouts: 3 (0.13636 etc. 4)
Maps: 1 (0.04545 etc.)
MV comments: 19 (0.86363 etc.)
Journal entries: 7 (0.31818 etc. 2)

Gosh, the average per day always have that "IT GOES ON AND ON" decimal. :nuts: :nuts:
raiseyourfist19 years ago2005-02-13 17:42:29 UTC 0 comments
O.k, I'm back from the mountain and I have a computer again. However, I will not have it all set up for editing for the next few days :( None the less, I do have an computer that's like twice as cool as my old one, so I'm good. I can actually run HL2 now. Happing mapping kids!
kol19 years ago2005-02-13 11:36:37 UTC 0 comments
:( I hate being late.

But sadly, due to a lot of issues.. blabla bla.. Excuses...

I'm Late for the TWHLmix deadline. I'm mapping like hell to catch up through my own fault.

If you were next in line, please start mapping, don't wait up. My map ends in a teleport so you can have any environment with a xen sky ;)

96a210719 years ago2005-02-12 09:18:16 UTC 0 comments
Just modded my site a bit, its rather blue now. Still cant figure out how to make the bloody iframe resize itself. ohh well, im sure visitors can figure out how to use the scroll bars :P
check it out
Mariowned19 years ago2005-02-12 08:57:41 UTC 1 comment
check out my cs jump movie
Mario's Jump Movie
tell me what you think
ministeve19 years ago2005-02-12 06:51:20 UTC 0 comments - after such a long time, i have finally produced a map! sorry, er, screenshot!

i need to map more.
LittleTortilla19 years ago2005-02-11 18:25:35 UTC 0 comments
Nobody knows the trouble ive seen. Nobody knows my sorrow. :nuts: