
Suparsonik9 years ago2015-07-05 22:47:29 UTC 8 comments
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Jessie9 years ago2015-07-05 12:22:40 UTC 11 comments
If you were not constrained by the limitations of work, money, compulsory education, etc., and were basically free to do anything you wanted for the rest of your life...

How would you like to spend your life?
Oskar Potatis9 years ago2015-07-03 17:19:43 UTC 14 comments
(~0b11101000) & 0xFF
Rimrook9 years ago2015-07-02 18:28:37 UTC 5 comments
A few special things to announce :D
Tetsu09 years ago2015-07-02 11:20:38 UTC 5 comments
My WV Jetta never ceases to amaze me. I recently moved apartments, and my Jetta was the workhorse when my Dad's truck was filled with the furniture.
Trunk Space is incredible:
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Cabin Space is great too:
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This is all the stuff I fit into my car IN ONE TRIP (Minus the golf clubs)
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5 Guitars, 1 Bass Guitar, 2 Guitar Amps, Assorted guitar peripherals, clothes, office supplies, ironing board, misc kitchen supplies...
Jessie9 years ago2015-07-02 09:09:14 UTC 0 comments
Here y'all are. Educational, informative and entertaining. Kinda depressing, too.

(And if the video doesn't load for you, I recommend one of those youtube-downloading sites. This one worked fine for me.)
Jessie9 years ago2015-06-26 20:46:07 UTC 25 comments
Looks like America finally got their marriage equality going! Respect where respect is due.

Just you wait though, another 100 years and Australia might catch up!
Alabastor_Twob9 years ago2015-06-22 17:03:50 UTC 5 comments
Yesterday I was in Belfast for what is currently the only concert I've been to. I went to see The Who for their Hits 50! tour. It was really good, especially since we had some fairly good seats for it.
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I was with my dad, because next week he'll be moving to Australia for at least a year, although quite possibly longer, so it might be the last time I see him for a while. Since I'd never been to a concert before I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I quite liked it. If I had to describe it in one word though that would be 'loud'.
Belfast itself was also pretty interesting. It's the first time I've been to Northern Ireland, and it's odd. The landscape and the people are obviously Irish, but it's weird because how English the architecture and infrastructure seem. As well as that, you can really see how much of a divide there is between the Protestants/Unionists and the Republicans/Catholics. I don't think I've seen so many Irish Tricolours or Union Jacks in my life. I'll have to upload some photos of it when I get home.
Tetsu09 years ago2015-06-07 21:26:40 UTC 16 comments
Repaired the girl's car on saturday.
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Full album with steps: HERE

I've done paint before and every time I do it, I get a little better and learn some more tricks. But for $200, I think it looks great.
Instant Mix9 years ago2015-06-05 22:30:20 UTC 3 comments
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Missed it.

Ah well, was on holiday. Here's to being here for over 10 years. Long live TWHL.
DiscoStu9 years ago2015-06-02 03:45:09 UTC 28 comments
So who else got this today?
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I'm going to wait until it's well studied to decide if it's worth my while.
DiscoStu9 years ago2015-05-25 03:14:31 UTC 12 comments
I seem to be missing ~100GB off my hard drive. I don't know where they went.

Last time I checked, I had ~150GB free. Last night I happened to notice the red bar, looks like now I have 42GB free. The only thing that happened since then is Windows updates and installing a gift game I got on Steam that took up less than 1GB.

Disk cleanup said it could clear some 500MB. Not quite enough. Getting it to count Windows update files, it said 6GB. That's better, BUT THERE'S STILL 94GB UNACCOUNTED FOR.

Has anyone ever experienced this?
ninja defuse9 years ago2015-05-24 18:08:04 UTC 1 comment
Hello my TWHL friends!
I have found a facebook page with design ideas... i think they might help a bit in mapping
Notewell9 years ago2015-05-21 23:16:37 UTC 20 comments
Lost my G500s after surgery today.

The Logitech G500s is hands-down the best gaming mouse I have ever used.

With the exception of the wire, which is apparently notoriously prone to fraying.

My dad and I managed to take it apart, figure out how everything works, cut, strip, and resolder the wire, then put it back together after an afternoon of work. After plugging it back in, I found that everything was working perfectly. Then, it died, and, unlike every other time in the past few weeks, did not come back on again after a few seconds.

So, I am unfortunately in the market for a new mouse. I need something with minimum 5 buttons, wired (bad experiences with wireless mice and battery life) and preferably with a low-key case design instead of something like this.

Anyone have suggestions?