
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-01-08 22:49:02 UTC 2 comments
Good-o. I know the feelin', trust me.

You need an optical line I reckon - or play bots :P
spark19 years ago2005-01-08 20:19:03 UTC 0 comments
I just came back from a very long absence from TWHL, and I am pretty happy! Almost done with DOOM 3 and ending Nova Prospekt in HL2; can't wait to get to Source mapping.

My rule is to beat the game first and then when I start mapping I don't spoil stuff to myself. I JUST CAN'T WAIT! I'm already thinking of doing a simple map with Rebels vs. Combine, LoTR style! Oh yeah baby! :D
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-08 17:13:01 UTC 0 comments
IEMC, you sick sick man! :D
I ain't sending you no pictures you dirty little perv :D

Oh, my attempts to sleep have failed : 2am here now.
Played Cs:S for a bit but those damn lagspikes annoy me.

this is the typical scenario:
/me sits with m4a1 behind some cover to reload, hear footsteps around the corner.

/me smiles wickedly..


/me gets shot in the head AND Groin and dies. :x
kol19 years ago2005-01-08 13:14:50 UTC 0 comments
I've switched browsers - Avant 4 eva! no more IE

The forums are so much faster to answer now ;)
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-08 12:01:34 UTC 0 comments
Thanks to 7th, Anthony, Ieatmonkeychow and Rabid for the journal entries, it helps :)

It's gonna take some time, cuz she was the first i've ever had real feelings for. :(

Hopefully i can just forget about her and what she said and get on with my life :|
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-08 09:36:04 UTC 0 comments
I wouldn't say that ;)
But Emily is so damn hot!

/me changes desktop background and background on cell-phone to picture of Emily with very little clothes on. And then drools some more.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-01-08 09:31:46 UTC 0 comments
See, over her already ;)
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-08 08:53:43 UTC 0 comments
Emily Bouffante..

Saribous19 years ago2005-01-08 07:28:33 UTC 0 comments
I bet you couldn't sleep at all tonight Chow ;)
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-08 04:05:09 UTC 0 comments
Lol chow, i was just kidding :P
You need to stop taking things so serious :P

Anyhow, i'm the victim here, she used me for 11 months then says she never even liked me.
SilentGunz19 years ago2005-01-08 00:11:23 UTC 0 comments
Ju shal phere mi spelin scilz! lol...

My work on my Bum-Life map is going well, i've got the basic layout of the city, with a couple parks, a landfill, and some other things besides plain buildings.

As for my outside life (yes I have one, and outside lives are not a myth), it's going well too. :)
AJ19 years ago2005-01-07 17:07:25 UTC 0 comments
I feel for ya Saribous. Don't lose sight of the future and its prospects despite how bad you feel right now. It may take a while but you will eventually see an end to it all.
BooHoo19 years ago2005-01-07 08:24:17 UTC 0 comments
HEY :) I am Daz 18 in feb so i like to think i am 18 now Booyeah lol
Saribous19 years ago2005-01-07 03:14:21 UTC 0 comments
Yeah, A Bad one :lol:

Another sleepless night. been awake for allmost 48 hous now.
Can't get her word outta my head:

"Jag ?lskar dig inte, jag har aldrig haft k?nslor f?r dig"
"i don't love you, i've never had feelings for you"

That's what i can't get over...
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-01-07 00:32:40 UTC 0 comments
At least you've still got a sense of humour :)