
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-09-13 11:45:41 UTC 0 comments
Jazhel, yes we are. Protesting to a dozen people on the Internet can't help anyone. Nothing much can. Politics. I actually agree with half of what you're saying :(
SilentGunz20 years ago2004-09-11 18:52:03 UTC 0 comments
PS: You annoyed me! jk... :P
SilentGunz20 years ago2004-09-11 18:51:00 UTC 1 comment
I haven't made an entry in awhile, so here's one:

My next map will be coming soon, but I'm still thinking of what to do for it... :

Should I do:

-Puzzle map?
-Just plain freaky?

I think I'll wait until the next compo... :P

BTW: Added links to TWHL, JEDI Clan, Doom 3 Portal, and some others on my site recently :)
lucky444420 years ago2004-09-11 16:31:38 UTC 0 comments
Sorry if i annoy anybody... :(
lucky444420 years ago2004-09-11 16:31:03 UTC 0 comments
I feel like a noobie already even though I am not, i just ask reallly confusing questions.
lucky444420 years ago2004-09-11 15:44:26 UTC 0 comments
I am not new to mapping with worldcraft or this site, but just a new member.
LCr0wd20 years ago2004-09-11 15:40:33 UTC 0 comments
Leaks succesfully identified and patched.
Two extentions built onto station area, a cargo loading bay and a station waiting room (doubled as military command post).
Next step, facility lobby.
lucky444420 years ago2004-09-11 15:37:28 UTC 0 comments
First Day on site! :)
JujitsuMan20 years ago2004-09-11 11:36:35 UTC 0 comments
That's right, two hurricanes down this season, and more to come, let's just hope i'll have a computer or at least a house when the season finishes
Geek (_!_)20 years ago2004-09-09 21:26:33 UTC 1 comment
Wow now that im working I havent gotten much mapping done :( I just go home and game, or just sleep. Too bad I have so many mapping projects right now.
MiNiStRy20 years ago2004-09-08 16:08:28 UTC 0 comments
Just started my amazing new MP map today. Already pretty big. I'd say about 60% through construction but i've still got to texture and properly light everything. If anyone wants screen shots, just ask me!
paulkennedy20 years ago2004-09-08 15:36:54 UTC 6 comments
I am planning to take my digital camera to high school tomarrow. It was all I thought about the whole day! I was just looking at the flr, wall, and ceiling textures constantly! I want to make a map out my high school. The tricky part will be the outside. I don't plan to let the player outside, but you can still see it. I think maybe I'll just map about 30 feet out, then use custom env images.
Reigy Squirrel20 years ago2004-09-08 12:17:36 UTC 0 comments
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! Man huge battles are so addictive, looks like i watch too much LODR. I just finished my helms deep project, kind of laggy but BLAH! who cares "A big battle is a always a laggy battle" i always say, so im trying to research how da hell am i to make a cool big non laggy battle.

And I also finished my very first deathmatch its very detailed, somewhat like a dam. And a cool deathmatch to! So many oppertunities to hit ur opponent!
AJ20 years ago2004-09-07 22:50:25 UTC 0 comments
Well folks I shall be leaving you for a while while my exams are on. IN about 2 or weeks I'll be back. See you all later! :)