
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-08-25 12:35:41 UTC 0 comments
Journal image spammers read my journal.
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-08-25 12:35:27 UTC 0 comments
This journal post is to remove the huge-size images from the front page. People who post gigantic pictures in their journals will have selected forum posts edited...
Howdy20 years ago2004-08-25 11:33:13 UTC 0 comments
im experimenting whit my html and swf skills...
feel free to give me advice or simply to yell at me...
ok maby not to yell at me ;)
kol20 years ago2004-08-25 10:46:03 UTC 0 comments
Ack! Stop posting large images into your journals! :zonked:
Cpl.1nsane20 years ago2004-08-24 12:00:43 UTC 0 comments
At last i shall have my new pc !!!
BJ20 years ago2004-08-24 11:54:58 UTC 3 comments
Updated all my examples maps to add .MAP file
AJ20 years ago2004-08-24 01:28:34 UTC 0 comments
Hello Anthony! This is your 900th login.
davideo5920 years ago2004-08-23 20:22:07 UTC 0 comments
I have started making a HLDM called dm_underground. It's called that because it is undergroud but its more like the blackmesa facility type underground. Its turning out really good so far, I just have to keep getting idea's to put into it and make it decent sized!(Theres nothing like a small dm map, its absolutly terrible!!!).
On other news its 11:18pm and I have to get up at 5:50am (Thats like the earliest I have ever had to get up on a regular basis for my First Day Of High School . And hell am I excited. The only nervious I have is finding my way around (how typical and stupid sounding.... anyway.... )
kol20 years ago2004-08-23 11:50:07 UTC 0 comments
Just realised i got all my dates wrong and it looks... wrong.. got back and feelin'fine :)
SilentGunz20 years ago2004-08-22 21:05:18 UTC 0 comments
Got my compo entry all fixed! No more errors! Thanks to Andy for the extension on the compo! :)

Well... my sites are doing well...
that's about it...
but wait!
I made a new map that tests your Skills! Called L337 Skillz!

In other news...

-Hilter is back from the dead, and has a partnership with Osama.
-Monkeys took over Zaire in Africa
-I almost died from the West Nile Virus
-A astroid is coming to destroy the Earth
-The Russians are going to nuke America, and all that will be left is ruins and cockroachs
-Frozen Martians were found in Antartica

jk... :P
ZeG20 years ago2004-08-22 11:31:00 UTC 0 comments
AJ20 years ago2004-08-21 22:03:13 UTC 5 comments
Creative Arts Night this Wednesday! I'm pumped!
spark20 years ago2004-08-21 19:22:20 UTC 0 comments
Just visited, and I was awed at the pictures!

I have got two ideas on a map, the first one is to do a DOOM 3 style level, and the other one to do a tall cathedral style building that looks a bit like the Combine from Half-Life 2.

And, yes, I know not to map for my imagination but for the engine; another reason I can't wait for mapping with Source! From what I've read so far, the maps will be HUGE, taking you ten minutes to walk across a full-sized one!
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2004-08-21 13:07:37 UTC 0 comments
W00t I get to beta test the hl:improvement mod......

....and I got to help out with one of the maps today :)
spark20 years ago2004-08-21 10:14:06 UTC 0 comments
Well I'm happy to join this mapping community! Hello to everyone!

Just finished the In the Beggining tutorials yesterday; can't wait to get my hands on more complicated stuff and make my own maps, I already have an idea going through in progress.

Note to other fellow newbies, if it's your first time to compile a map and it turns out floodlit, check the box when you press F9, the RAD and VIS parts for some reason are default on No, check them all on Normal. That's what happened to me! :P