
Trapt20 years ago2004-05-21 20:54:19 UTC 0 comments
hey people - de_icepalace is on the site. PLEASE CHECK IT AND DOWNLOAD IT AND COMMENT

-Trapt :)
Squirll20 years ago2004-05-20 18:02:08 UTC 0 comments
great news. i found a really great wicken shop near me in port jervis.
i spoke with the shopkeeper and she is actually willing to display and sell my work!!!!
for a decent 4in1 shirt i can probabally make a $250 profit.
Des!r320 years ago2004-05-20 09:19:36 UTC 0 comments
Blah Blah Blah ... :nuts:
JB20 years ago2004-05-19 22:48:17 UTC 0 comments
Mapping is easy, Mapping properly is not.
Rileymo20 years ago2004-05-19 21:45:45 UTC 0 comments
man if HL2 doesn't come out soon...
AJ20 years ago2004-05-19 20:57:28 UTC 1 comment
YAY I'm the head moderator at (thats MOP's site)!
Hello Anthony! This is your 576th login.
agentorange20 years ago2004-05-19 17:58:59 UTC 1 comment
:badass: I just got my dedicated CS server up and running (! SWEET! now i have a place to put maps up once i start pumping them out, rofl even though nobody will want to play them anyway. My website will be operationial soon too. I already have html content for it but its teh sux. So im scrapping what I have and starting over. :badass:
twain08820 years ago2004-05-18 21:58:29 UTC 0 comments
Ok, ive made the need changes to the start of my level, reduces the number on buttons, even though i liked them. The security guards and scientist are now nolonger all facing 0 degrees. Ive fixed up the lobby doors (huge double doors). Ive changed the front desk so that it looks more realistic and no longer too high. The first couple of labs and built but still need a lot of work. I need to get the coke machines looking more realistic and working, i have no idea how to do that.

Yeah, much progress has been made but still it is far off from finished. I still need to make a story, speech .wav files, etc.

Untill next time!!!
Proz0r20 years ago2004-05-18 09:03:35 UTC 0 comments
Hi, I'm Proz0r a noob mapper and I love this site because of it's many answers and nice competitions. (witch I will enter if there are good ones :D )
Laika20 years ago2004-05-18 06:30:35 UTC 0 comments
Just starting out, keeping it real with original HL maps. Well, one map. Well, part of one map. It's a start!
agentorange20 years ago2004-05-16 16:57:35 UTC 0 comments
:badass: This site has been such a godsend along with all the other sites out there. I've spent like the entire weekend fiddling with Hammer. And now I've built up what seems like a huge collection of apps in the process of researching what goes into a good map.
During this weekend i stumbled across......
-VHE (duh)
-WALLY (I had this already to do cs sprays)
-a terrain generation program (for skyboxes)
-a terrain generation program (for map terrain)
-GCFScape (steam is my bitch now)
-ToolBox LUX RAD file editor
-Other assorted crap

I managed to talk my cousin into letting me borrow her digital camera so Im gonna spend the whole week snapping pics for textures cuz standard textures are boring. :badass:
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-15 08:07:19 UTC 0 comments
ok so now for a real journal entry... i've just started work on the finnal map in single player campagin. im still waiting for the new version of spirit becouse i need some of those new features. so cant really complete my project untill thats realeased.
twain08820 years ago2004-05-15 04:10:42 UTC 0 comments
My stupid scientist wont sit ON the couch. Insted he insists on sitting IN the couch.
He's a scum bag!
WAAAAAH :( :( :( :zonked:
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-14 15:20:32 UTC 0 comments
Hmmm, this is my opening entry in my TWHL journal... well durrrrr. i dont even have a clue what to wright.

maybe people wana know what im upto.

well today i woke up and went to work... :confused: got in late, i dont think my supporvisor was too impressed. but who cares hes a dick anyway.

so for lunch i had a spicy vegatable pasty and a latta from starbucks, although i normally prefer costa i was talking with jenny (my bitch... lol) and so ended up in starbucks.

when i got home my roomie was no were to be found so i sat down and watched some Tv... nothing on as usual :( whats the point in paying for Tv if all they show is repeats of 6 year old episodes of friends and so on. although i did find out that the new BBUK is due to start soon so thats somthing to look forward to. asuming they have some cuties in this year... :) anyway now its 00:15 and i've been sat at the computer all evening. and its a friday too :( but getting a little hungry so i think im going to go cook...

bye for now.
Funessen20 years ago2004-05-14 10:10:35 UTC 0 comments
Hi there! I'm a 20 year old guy from Denmark, and very creative, or at least i won't to be! :) In my spear time, i play with Flash, Samurize, webpages, and now CS mapping! I'm still sort of a noob, but i'm getting better, and learning from my mistakes!

So please, tell me what i can do better in my mapping, so i can improve, and maybe someday make a really KICK ASS map! :)