
LaZermaniac20 years ago2004-05-14 10:04:59 UTC 0 comments
Steaming Corpses Inc. is not getting any more hits. The top contributor has fallen to the wicked devilry that is Steam. In fact, I'm probably gonna hibernate the site.
ondy198520 years ago2004-05-14 00:40:41 UTC 0 comments
I haven't created a map for HL (or any mod) for a long time. Now I'm going to get back to it. ;)
Gonnas20 years ago2004-05-13 13:51:13 UTC 1 comment
I uploaded my latest released map called Garth Manor. Check it out at: or read more information at:
DieH@rd20 years ago2004-05-13 03:03:26 UTC 0 comments
well 4 months later i'm back... :)
Trapt20 years ago2004-05-13 00:09:28 UTC 0 comments
hey hey knife_chess2 completed!!!! check it out all you nerds out there :P
Captain P20 years ago2004-05-12 12:51:51 UTC 0 comments
Although I have a busy time now with the exams coming up pretty soon, I've decided to make a map for the Talking Scientists compo.

My idea is probably pretty different from the standard talking scientists, but it will still be two scientists talking... :)
MCYORIAN20 years ago2004-05-12 11:25:13 UTC 0 comments
soon ill upload some maps for help on my mod anyone thats help will be included on the credit list!....greetins!
pepper20 years ago2004-05-12 10:43:27 UTC 0 comments
good to see you back again steve :D
Rileymo20 years ago2004-05-11 15:37:29 UTC 0 comments
Wow! a journal? what's it for? :P
Skeeve20 years ago2004-05-11 14:49:36 UTC 0 comments
Have been on an extended leave from mapping due to real life stuff. Started my own business; working for yourself is great except the days that no money is made.

I will pop into IRC a bit more often, mainly to keep Marvin in the room. Looks like I am the only one that can pull him in :(

Hopefully, I can start mapping again soon; but, I now need to relearn everything this community has helped me learn. Oh well.
Terrel20 years ago2004-05-07 14:13:34 UTC 0 comments I just got a couple of friends to help me make a mod now the question is WHERE TO START :confused:
Silent bob20 years ago2004-05-06 10:19:51 UTC 1 comment
he he spam
Vash20 years ago2004-05-04 20:56:50 UTC 1 comment
Uhh...Hello. I dont really know what to write here. TWHL was always a cool site to me, but didnt draw me in as much (it was one of those sites you knew about; but didnt vist much). I now relized I didnt have an account, so I registerd. After submitting all my maps, and...erm..."surprising" everyone, I am no snugged in. I'll try and answer forum questions, post example maps, fix problem maps, and share my own unfinished items. Maybe I'll even write a few tutorials.
GreenFire20 years ago2004-05-04 19:33:12 UTC 0 comments
Well I do have the top level finished and I am starting the bottom of it. Ovbiously I didn't finish by the time I wanted too. The map is looking kind of boring so far, and I need to re-design some things so that people play in all parts of the map. It was originally going to be just one complex with a basement but I am thinking that it might be a two base thing with connecting stuff. I just got an idea for a bridge to connect them.