
pepper20 years ago2004-04-08 05:51:32 UTC 0 comments
worked out the basic of The Project train complex. it seems possible wiht the w_poly count. hope it will work out
Snake-Eyes20 years ago2004-04-07 16:36:10 UTC 1 comment
Computer on the way back after new mobo and PSU. Now just have to re-install XP and get going again. There goes the long weekend...
AJ20 years ago2004-04-07 03:15:03 UTC 0 comments
Hello Anthony! This is your 467th login.
Blueblade20 years ago2004-04-06 14:18:19 UTC 0 comments
Journal #1

Project: Disco Party
This is one of my obviously not-so-serious Half-Life levels. It was originally a large map with many not-so-serious rooms that ranged from swimming pools full of monsters to the g-man chamber, where you could knock the g-man off of a platform and watch him fall to his doom like the Balrog of LotR:FotR. Lol!

Then came the leaks . . . the . . . terrible . . . leaks. I had to tear my level apart looking for those leaks. I finally just enabled noclip and gave the Void a solid color so that I could fly around looking for the leaks. Using the pointfile method, I found them, but it would have taken too long to repair them.

I then decided to start over with just the disco party room and a couple of hallways to give it depth. I had intended the scientists inside to dance around, so I chose an appropriate animation (wave) and tried to make all of the scientists wave continuously, but they would only wave once and that would be it.

After I fix that problem, I want to add the g-man chamber again, with a few more amusing ways to attempt to kill the frustratingly invincible official. Lol!

Thus concludes Journal #1.

Quaver20 years ago2004-04-06 14:06:02 UTC 0 comments
i hate monkeys, no disrespects, when i has 4 a monkey attacked me on a Safari, well i just stoll my burger, but it was scary none the less.
VOX#220 years ago2004-04-06 07:46:06 UTC 0 comments
I am not new. I am just another account of VOX because somebody changed my password and I never posted an email address.
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-04-04 23:02:11 UTC 0 comments
kol20 years ago2004-04-03 01:32:47 UTC 0 comments
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2004-04-02 16:50:00 UTC 0 comments
Updated my site again, although I've still not added any of my other maps up yet....only the 1st :D

If any of you have the time please visit it and feedback :)

WoooooHoooooo Journrnall!!!!!! :nuts:
Skoiler20 years ago2004-04-02 14:52:49 UTC 0 comments
Holiday again! I r0x0rz! More time on mapping! weeeeeee :cool:
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-03-31 22:55:28 UTC 0 comments
craash42020 years ago2004-03-31 19:59:13 UTC 0 comments
craash42020 years ago2004-03-31 19:37:04 UTC 1 comment
You know the song "prison sex" by tool where it starts out with dude scraping the guitar pick down the string and it sounds so stressed like a high tension wire that's already started to fray and will snap at any second? That's what my head feels like right now. Sometimes it feels like my skull's a giant chalkboard, and someone's got their hand inside scraping their fingernails up and down.

Some days it's good to be me, some days it's not so fun. I hope this isn't a good day. :
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2004-03-29 12:31:18 UTC 0 comments
lol no girl at the moment .......kinda gone off the last one :nuts:

Anyhow Yay got my compiling problems figured out so I can map again + I updated my site yay so visit it :P

WoooooHoooooo Journrnall!!!!!! :nuts:
Snake-Eyes20 years ago2004-03-28 21:00:31 UTC 0 comments
Computer died :( too much heat.