
pepper20 years ago2003-12-14 12:08:53 UTC 1 comment
ah jsut saw saddam hoesein is cauhgt :P
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2003-12-14 10:28:40 UTC 0 comments
So this is a journal aye :P
svencoop patch coming out soon...w00t
armadillo20 years ago2003-12-14 08:15:06 UTC 0 comments
interests (continued): growing carniverous plants (mainly Nepenthese Alata), teaching animals to communicate with humans, Mongolian folk music, thinking of other strange interests to do.
The_6th_Monkey20 years ago2003-12-12 11:10:09 UTC 2 comments
Hehe if anyone reads this.........which they probably won't I am proably going to try and write a good tuturial on trains that follow tracks and rotate :P

I think its going to be harder doing a tuturial but I'm ready for the challege :cool:
pepper20 years ago2003-12-12 02:38:43 UTC 1 comment
twhl is growing so damn quik in these days wonder how big we are over a year... lets hope we will be better then planet half-life one day.
pepper20 years ago2003-12-11 12:09:00 UTC 1 comment
ah got it :)
pepper20 years ago2003-12-11 12:08:38 UTC 1 comment
uh whats this??
:confused: :confused: :zonked:
Cpl.1nsane20 years ago2003-12-11 03:12:31 UTC 1 comment
must finish HS_Underground :)
Jax20 years ago2003-12-11 01:49:27 UTC 0 comments
damn my cs aint workin ill be down for a while outa my maps.... :(
Jax20 years ago2003-12-11 00:30:56 UTC 0 comments
hmmmm my map jax_lobby is open for queries and comments before i post it in the complete maps page, also i am soon to start on jax_isledelfino from super mario sunshine. :)
Steinin20 years ago2003-12-10 23:41:55 UTC 1 comment
Well let's see about that exam...

-2 Swedish essay:s to write.
-1 Finnish test to accomplish + essay.
-1 Mathematical test. (Differential Calculus if it's spelled that way.)
-1 test in social issues how the whole finnish government system.

Here I go... Starting on Monday, 1 test every day until Friday.
Marlborometal20 years ago2003-12-10 18:26:54 UTC 1 comment
I just discovered there?s a journal here... How fun!!!. Wonder if someone will ever read...
homeythecrafty120 years ago2003-12-09 21:06:05 UTC 1 comment
no comment...
enemigos20 years ago2003-12-09 19:22:29 UTC 0 comments
A mapper by and for friends. Anyhow, I do like creating things from scratch.
RamOne20 years ago2003-12-09 16:38:31 UTC 2 comments
i'm a VS (vampire Slayer) mod player, and i'm interested to start mapping for this mod.

so yes, i'm a nooby to maping.