
Noldar20 years ago2003-11-25 18:23:20 UTC 4 comments
I'm 21, father of 2 and find the my only sane time is Creating maps and playing PlanetSide
MiNcE20 years ago2003-11-24 16:24:06 UTC 4 comments
I am a very keen map builded kinda guy...
Dublo20 years ago2003-11-23 16:26:03 UTC 3 comments
im just an AMATEUR mapper
Power Parka20 years ago2003-11-23 14:45:28 UTC 3 comments
Nothing beats the hobo life, stabbin' folks with my hobo knife
RoopeAnkka20 years ago2003-11-23 07:28:22 UTC 4 comments
im a noob
Jax20 years ago2003-11-22 23:30:07 UTC 3 comments
Check out my maps to see original things
pokethejohn20 years ago2003-11-22 15:08:17 UTC 3 comments
blah...making maps would be alot easier if i understood it!
KAMIKAZI20 years ago2003-11-22 14:20:34 UTC 4 comments
aXred20 years ago2003-11-20 20:02:08 UTC 4 comments
teh geek
Skier55d20 years ago2003-11-20 17:35:04 UTC 2 comments
HL/CS mapper and server admin.
csmaster20 years ago2003-11-20 00:24:43 UTC 4 comments
12 Unscoped Scout Head Shots
b00ned20 years ago2003-11-18 12:22:50 UTC 4 comments
Trappist Monk20 years ago2003-11-17 03:09:39 UTC 2 comments
I'm an avid CS player and a total newbie to mapping.
TheZami20 years ago2003-11-16 10:31:24 UTC 2 comments
Im little and STUPID half life freak..!
lzrs7720 years ago2003-11-15 05:10:56 UTC 2 comments
learning map making for cs