
Habboi16 years ago2007-07-15 14:21:18 UTC 0 comments
Ok so I should be posting day 7 etc but to be truthful I've been lazy...But aren't we all? And all I ever do is play TFC with Moocow or watch E3 videos.

So I thought I'd share something I found to do with Final Fantasy 7.

A user uploaded the making of FF7 and I found it interesting:

Part 1 and 2.

Hope you enjoy them.
Habboi16 years ago2007-07-04 08:28:44 UTC 0 comments
I feel kinda bad because I deleted some pictures that my mum took on the camera and now I can't recover them...Why? Because dumb me didn't think to use a recovery tool until a year or so later...No chance now...

She still holds that grudge against me :<

Anyway back to mapping news I haven't touched Hammer in a few days. I was reminded by some people why I loved Monster Hunter Online so I sought to hunt for these rare items which have taken some people 3 weeks just to get 5.

It took me 2 days so far to get 4 which isn't bad. I need one more for my armour and another 5 for the sword...Can I be bothered? I spent a whole day doing the same thing over and over for hours just to get 4 of the same item which has a 1% chance...


OOO look what I found in my HDD : O

User posted image
Habboi16 years ago2007-07-03 03:45:30 UTC 0 comments
%?"@#!!!*&& Damn you Virgin Mediaaaaaaaaa! At least my Broadband feels faster again.
Habboi16 years ago2007-07-01 09:39:38 UTC 0 comments
Day 6 and I am very pleased with the results so far. My map is about 70% complete and all that is left is a few bug fixes and lots of scripting.

I have come up with another list of bugs that I will fix for those who are interested in the things I look out for:

New Room - Window Model - Top brush needs to be lowered an inch.
New Room - Lights are needed.
New Room - Make zombie get up.
New Room - Bath, sink, light and decals need fixing.
Change female model into male because Valve didn't give females the arrest animation...In fact the males have more animations :S
Somehow fix floating melon.
Yellow window needs to have 0.50 texture and I need to figure out the opaque thing used in the HL2 apartment.
Need to kill Gman after his script is finished.
Need to make the effect of scanners flying out of the Citadel.
Need to change dustbins into static.
Add more life into the outside aka birds and scanners.
Need to make bed no collide and clip.
Woman who is leaning back needs to be adjusted.
For some reason my other woman won't sit down anymore...
Trigger Breen to speak just once on the TV's.
Add NPC's walking down alley.
Adjust script where man leans out door.

A big list it seems...
Habboi16 years ago2007-06-30 04:44:50 UTC 0 comments
So anyway :)

Day 5...Well I must say I did a lot of work on it...I started adding more detail to the alley way but I realised there was a clash where the player would see places he should not so I had to build a window that had a white glow blocking the view instead. Haven't tested it yet but it shouldn't look too out of place. I then built the main room where most of the action first starts and ends...Apart from that I'm going to chuck in a few props and compile the bitch to see how she looks.
Habboi16 years ago2007-06-28 10:37:54 UTC 0 comments
OK so Day 4...Fixed a lot of errors and worked on an alleyway for the player to see the outside world.

Spent a lot of time on that and stopped for tonight to play HL2 Co-Op and so on.
Habboi16 years ago2007-06-26 03:29:46 UTC 0 comments
Sorry about the lack of days but I went to my cousins and second cousins on Sunday and I went to a mates house on Monday.

So today I'm going to work more on the structure of the map and less on the scripting which is putting me off mapping at the moment.
Habboi16 years ago2007-06-23 11:55:37 UTC 0 comments
Day 3 and I'm doing well. It's shaping up and looking like a Valve map almost. I've been a bit stupid where I drew a plan but didn't plan the main room which overlaps a part of an already made map so I had to redesign it sort of.

I added a new room but forgot cubemaps...The citizen that blocks your way sits down nicely but I forgot to make the couch non solid so she gets stuck in it and that causes Source to get angry.

I have written down all the errors so far and they are as follows:

Needs cubemaps in new room.
Physics couch gets stuck in NPC.
Sofa can be broken and that doesn't help when two of my NPC's sit on them.
The first NPC the player sees starts to walk away but the script was facing the wrong way so he walks backwards at first.
This bitch of an NPC refuses to lean back...I assume there must be something wrong with it looping.
Physic objects can be picked up and thrown through my window which should be solid.
A texture isn't aligned well so the lighting looks odd.
A small gap in a room the player doesn't enter.

So I'll be fixing those tonight hopefully and that'll end my day 3.
Habboi16 years ago2007-06-22 09:12:42 UTC 0 comments
Day 2 of my adventure and I started fixing some issues I came across and some lighting stuff. Tested out a new skin for the Elite. And finally I started scripting the NPC's to do stuff making the level come alive more.

I fixed the TV by using a filter entity so only the TV triggers the brush.

Also in other news my hometown Cuffley was mentioned on the news after it was said 2000 people have voted against Tesco's building a new express in the middle of our small town. It'd ruin all the businesses etc...So WE SAY NO TO TESCO'S!
Habboi16 years ago2007-06-20 10:07:51 UTC 0 comments
Hello Habboi! This is your 5658th login.

OH SHI I MISSED 500000000000000000!

Day 1 of my Summer Mapping Spree and I spent the afternoon working on getting a TV with Breen talking on it. I managed to get three individual TV's to work but I came across a problem where the trigger brush that tells the plug to snap if the TV touches the trigger seems to make two out of the three snap apon MapStart.

So I assume I'll have to move the trigger further away or something...As it seems to trigger as the map is loaded.

I shall be tweaking that today and we'll see what else I can do. I suppose I should start working on the other side of the building and then the main scripted room and finally I'll start doing the scripts and learn to apply custom voices to NPC's.
Habboi17 years ago2007-06-14 06:39:44 UTC 0 comments

Talk about Photoshopping to the extreme! :nuts:
Habboi17 years ago2007-06-12 06:11:27 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
:o They CAN fly!
Habboi17 years ago2007-06-05 03:06:01 UTC 0 comments
Roughly a year ago The Hunter and I would play JKA a lot and one night I joked I would film us playing and show everyone that I'd pwn him. But it happened the other way around...I got owned...He filmed me and made a joke of me...

A year later and I re-challenged him. This video shows the battle and the erm...mistakes that happened.

Did I pwn him? Watch the whole video to find out...;) - You can just click it and it'll load in your browser for those that don't know.

The Youtube link: is here but the quality is shit and our writing is hard to read. So I suggest downloading the MP4.

Thanks Hunter for a good time last night ;)
Habboi17 years ago2007-06-03 09:25:24 UTC 0 comments
Gman Porn:
User posted image
ok u looked. shame on u. ping!

Habboi17 years ago2007-05-28 11:26:12 UTC 0 comments
On Friday it was my last day of school and we all dressed up like hippies and covered the younger students in silly string and demanded ?3 for every car that drove inside.

It was fun. I took lots of pics and videos. I'll upload them sometime when I feel like it.