
Ichthyosaur18 years ago2005-12-16 11:17:35 UTC 0 comments
begining to realise that most of the maps i'm vorking on todate will likely never see the light of day, that is get released online. However they'll be a blast on a lan party! :cool:
Ichthyosaur18 years ago2005-11-17 00:59:01 UTC 0 comments
Yeah so my rings are working now thx to the people of the forums and its going faster now. Still havent found out why i cant upload a big pic as my avatar yet though :roll:
Ichthyosaur18 years ago2005-11-06 21:49:19 UTC 0 comments
Well I dont know what to say really?
Can people read them?
Work on the Stargate level goes slowly.
But for the first time in along time it goes!