
Hudlum18 years ago2005-10-30 09:28:03 UTC 0 comments
I love Multi_managers! I've Finialy found a function for them oh my my what jolly day, lalala :heart:
Hudlum19 years ago2005-02-20 00:42:21 UTC 0 comments
My oh my, up here in the cold frosty weather of Sweden where polarbears roar right outside your door, I sometimes sit cozed up in my chair with the heat som my computer fans and dream of an alternate reality wich I can express thru the world of worldcraft. Ofcourse everything i create is wacky and contains lazerbeams & teleporters, and that's just how I like it tongue - :P .
Real Deal Special effects is crap,
Smoke and Mirrors for life. AMEN
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