
John_Crichton20 years ago2004-06-04 05:53:55 UTC 0 comments
Christ it's been a while - but I'm baaaaak (lol). Some great things are happening at the moment. Almost through my GCSE exams (got the bulk of them over the next 2 weeks - can't wait til they're done).

On the good side my solo game project, made in 3d Game Studio, is about to take form. I will be working on it for the next few months -and can't wait til it's finished (The plan is complete - now for the actual creation!).

Also, Seventh and I are about to expand the field of 3d game creation, with a series of video tutorials - both for Hammer (by the infamous seventh monkey) and for 3d Game Studio (by yours truley!). They will be free to download -or can be purchased on Special Edition CDs.
As soon as the site is up I will inform you guys as I am sure will seventh. As for that, the rest is hush hush - but keep your eyes peeled the next few months are going to be productive!
John_Crichton21 years ago2003-12-17 11:50:53 UTC 1 comment
Yo! Steve-O (John_C) here, another day closer to Christmas, but better than that, another day closer to Half-Life 2!!! oh yeah!

Hi Cpl.1sane, 7th Monkey Et All!

Hi also to Tenacious D! You guys rock! (not that they actually will read this but hey! lol!)
John_Crichton21 years ago2003-08-03 07:32:27 UTC 4 comments
I create 3D images (and animations) and hope to one day get a job in that industry.
I LOVE games and I LOVE HalfLife!
I really enjoy mapping and making my own games, even though I've only been mapping for a short while.
My friend Seventh-Monkey introduced me to HL Mapping and Hammer, now I'm hooked!