
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-09-25 23:34:22 UTC 0 comments
Oh man, I've been gone for so long I almost forgot the joys of mapping. Unfortunetly, I'm going to be unable to finish this compos map in time. but I will still work on it til completion and release it in time. Sry. Maybe I'll win a post-mortem award, lol.
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-08-24 20:47:37 UTC 0 comments
Almost done with the first area of business in my mod. And waiting on Elon Yuriv to turn in his work. Thinking about entering the comp this time around, have a few creative ideas spinning around. And it would most diffently help me on Xen creation (haven't made a XEN map yet)
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-05-30 14:45:27 UTC 2 comments
Finished up map 3 and guess what! I started my webpage everyone has begged me to start! (just so I'd stop reposting the same maps...) I'm getting much better at mapping and the fourth map looks great, its about 35% complete now. My webpage is here if you want to check it out,
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-03-10 10:24:36 UTC 0 comments
game010c is near completion, just finishing up the outside area including a dam and now procceding to make the next area. Updates are coming fast, so make sure to download the newest version. game010a is now in mod format and ready to download, all upcoming maps will just need to be placed in the maps folder of my mod and it'll be set. :cool:
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-03-08 08:05:55 UTC 0 comments
Progress is coming along nicely on half-life 1.5. Game010b is now completed and work on Game010c is now in process. The next few maps are going to include a nice tram ride through various areas with scenic views and interesting entities. I hope you guys will enjoy the upcoming twist on the game content, all will be expecting one thing to happen, but alas, a whole new line of story and enviroments will be included. :cool:
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-03-01 08:43:57 UTC 0 comments
Almost Finished with Game010B, just need to edit a couple more things and finish it up, then ship it out. Next couple areas are going to be for scenery and show-off exploits. Should take a week or two to get started. :cool:
Slayerwraith19 years ago2005-02-17 20:06:23 UTC 0 comments
Continued work on Half-Life 1.5 is starting to get slowed and over encumbering, but thats what Mapping is all about, the satisfaction of completing something and knowing that you created it. Well, I'll keep on posting em' if you keep on playin em'! :cool: