
randomscripter17 years ago2007-05-20 14:36:00 UTC 0 comments
I am using the intrawebs, lol.
randomscripter17 years ago2007-05-11 20:40:57 UTC 0 comments
My new level, dm_storage, is underway! I planned it to have 6 spawns, and a central warehouse with a curved hallway surrounding one corner. This will make great use of clipped, carved, hollowed, and vertex manipulated brushes, and I hold high hopes for it.

randomscripter, out.
randomscripter17 years ago2007-04-30 00:40:31 UTC 0 comments
I am in of one of my worst times...I can't come up with any map ideas...I have no inspiration, and I don't know any buildings very well...So what is a mapper to do? I honestly have no idea...Normally, I would ask for ideas, but, that would fail for two reasons. (1), I don't want to pester all of you, and (2), that could be considered cheating...So, I'm going to google 'buildings' for a reference that might help me.
randomscripter17 years ago2007-04-27 19:46:49 UTC 0 comments
Alrighty, randomscripter here. Just working on my first map EVER in any game to have a skybox...That includes all of my maps from UT and UT2003/4, and the 2 previous maps I have created with Hammer. I look forward to learning more about this, and to make even better stuff than what I've done with the Unreal Editor, because it was very limiting. Easy, but limiting. Hammer is, and I quote myself, "...a whole new beast...", end quote.