
Xylem12 years ago2013-02-04 10:40:13 UTC 2 comments
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I know what's on your mind, where the hell is the Overturn demo!?
Well I wish we could have done it, but life has been rather hectic lately. We got a considerable amount of progress done, but alas, it wasn't enough. So Overturn didn't make a Christmas release, or a New Years release. Though it's been a month, where is it now?

Rafael, Overturn creator, has been on family vacations, and should be home within the week. He's tried contributing what he has been able to in the past couple of weeks, but it has been proving to be extremely difficult.

Joe, myself, along with our current coder, have also been working at a slow pace. For right now everything is very slow. However, we are about to kick it into gear and we will have this demo out, for it has been haunting us for almost two years now! I can't give a definitive date, but it will be very soon, I can tell you that much.
Comments! Something that has been very lacking on this site, finally has arrived with Disqus, a service which provides a comment system for sites such as mine. You don't have to have a Disqus account to comment on here, and I don't filter out any comments (unless it's advertisements/spam or something highly illegal). Free free to post your thoughts properly now!

Note: Comments for blog posts will be viewed on all blog posts, so be sure to state which blog post you are referring to in your comment. Also, for the time being, ignore "Comments are not allowed", for that is referring to my blogging system and not Disqus. This will be fixed soon enough.
Last but not least, Vektar is a modification for Quake developed by my good friend Marco (same guy who did Qreate), and quite a fun mod too. It basically involves players finding a randomly placed statue and destroying it to collect a "Vektar". The one who collects the most wins! Be sure to check the page I created for it to download the mod.

Along with this release, Missing Signal: Part II was released, the second part of my compilation album containing various unreleased songs I've composed over the years. Part III, the last release of this set, is coming soon.
That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out Bloodbath Softworks and Dethklan Games!
Also on: My Site and ModDB
Xylem12 years ago2012-12-26 05:40:47 UTC 3 comments
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As tis' the season, Merry Christmas! Below is some exciting news involving Overturn and the current Multiplayer Demo progress!
In the last couple of weeks we have been struggling to find a coder and have begun coding ourselves. Fortunately, we have found a temporary coder who will help us ship out the demo hopefully within a week. Currently, the mod refuses to work with Steam (this will be fixed ASAP) and we were dying to test out some maps over MP. This lead to us using WON2 and so far it has been a blast. After the experience of getting WON2 to work, it has been decided that we will host a WON2 and Steam server when we go live. Also included in this upcoming demo along with new weapons and maps, is the revised Downzone! The first released content from Bloodbath, now is back and better than ever including new traps. Stay tuned!
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That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out Bloodbath Softworks and Dethklan Games!
Also on: My Site and ModDB
Xylem12 years ago2012-11-14 09:31:35 UTC 7 comments
This post will be quick, but needed!
Ash_Link being the kindhearted soul he is, allowed me to host off of his newly purchased domain. My site now resides at and I plan to stay there quite a long time. My previous domain,, will remain up to redirect any visitors and to host Fast DL for my Killing Floor server.
Duel_Dust is a Team Fortress 2 map I have recently released. Originally it was created out of an overnight competition between a friend and myself to make a map before dawn. After winning and some playthroughs, I left the map buggy and overall incomplete. With it just sitting on my HD for well over a year, I had to finish it and finally release it onto the public. So if you're wanting to duel a friend in TF2 and need a new map, then check it out here: or
That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out the recently renamed Bloodbath Softworks: and Dethklan Games:
Also on: Xylem: and ModDB:
Xylem13 years ago2012-02-07 02:09:49 UTC 2 comments
Sorry I haven't had a real blog in a while, I've been busy with a few personal things along with Bloodbath and self-related projects. So lets get down to business.
Streetlevel(Remake) was released on January 28 and has four ports. This map has really been a challenge, dealing with the crazy wpoly count and compile times(15,000+ vis!)I even did not continue work on the map after New Years, I was actually thinking of just canning the release altogether. Looking back I am so happy I didn't and was even able to create ports for Counter-Strike, Opposing Force, Scientist Hunt, and The Specialists. After four months of hard work I hope you enjoy! You can view the map here on TWHL: or you can see other links off my site.
The Scientist Hunt HD Map Pack has been out for over a month now, and I feel silly announcing it today in this post, but as I said before, life has gotten in the way. This release was really quite something, I got in contact with Rich Whitehouse and he eventually played a game with Joe and I. It was crazy that the man himself was playing our pack with us. I know Rich isn't a huge game developer(unfortunately), but this was on par of chatting with your favorite movie star, or for me it was. Rich even tweeted about the pack and some other updates on sites like Facebook. This then lead me to meet a man who went by the name of Vash back in the day. I originally contacted him about his older Scientist Hunt levels that seem to be missing. He has helped me get his maps together and with a few other authors I can release the last of the custom Scientist Hunt maps. There is only one map by the name of Scislay by [187]*SlaYeR*{GeN} I could not find sadly. Be sure to check out the pack here: and also check out Rich's site and games: if you would.
Last but not least, we are getting the groove back with Overturn. The holidays and life have left us doing little to no work on the mod. I can assure you however that progress has returned and we are looking forward to a release this year.
That's it for this blog post, if you'd like to see more of my maps check out my personal site. Also be sure to check out the rest of the Bloodbath Software team, they're a great bunch of modders.
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